
Friday, March 7, 2008

Oh My Aching Bank Account II

Joanne Bongiovanni calls in to report her husband, George, was also a patient of Swarthmore chiropractor Hania Danko McCracken.

She says on Jan. 4, Danko-McCracken tried to hit her husband's Discover card for $5,000. And when that was denied, she tried to hit again for another $5,000.

Joanne says George started seeing Danko a year and a half ago for back pain after meeting her at a fitness seminar in King of Prussia.

He paid her $2,500 up front but was told by her the rest of his bills were being taken care of by Blue Cross.

When George called Blue Cross to ask why he never got any statements, he was told they didn't always send statements for that kind of treatment.

Joanne also reports that a couple of months ago she spotted Danko in front of her at the grocery store with a cart full of food but that she left it all at the store when her own credit card failed to go through.

Joanne says she has reported it all to the Delaware County DAs office Criminal Investigations Division, which was easy, since Joanne works for CID herself.


  1. For all your chiropractic needs, folks should visit Dr. Mark Alderman at Discover Health Chiropractic. He’s located at 934 N. Providence Rd. in Upper Providence (in the old Terstappen’s Bake Shop).
    He’s a good and honest guy, accepts insurance, and walk-ins only cost $15.

  2. Wow...$15 for a visit. And you accept insurance. Thanks for bringing those insurance reembursments down by only charging so little. Us other chiropractors really appriciate that. Don't get audited you would really be in trouble!!!
