
Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day

First pitch in 26 minutes. And Obama's advertising on Comcast.

UPDATE: He says the oil companies should pay a penalty on windfall profits since we pay over three dollars a gallon for gas. What's next? Penalities on overpaid baseball players for high tickets prices.

UPDATE II: Maybe it's just the lighting. but what's up with Brett Myer's Groucho eyebrows?


  1. I predict: 90 wins, wild card, MVP for Chase Utley, Pat Burrell hits 35+ homers and walks into free agency. Oh, and Carlos Carrasco will be a mid-season fill-in, wowing the fans with his abilities.

  2. He (Obama) says the oil companies should pay a penalty on windfall profits since we pay over three dollars a gallon for gas.

    When will the LibDems cut the games and just go ahead and start calling themselves the Socialists that they clearly are?
    And leave it to them to soil even a baseball game. But then, here's guessing the Black Muslim candidate doesn't really give a damn about "America's Pastime".

  3. I'd love for Obama (or any anti-oil person) to back up their statements of oil companies price gouging the public (I'll be waiting for a Diano post on that one. I'm sure since he's a consultant (caugh, Web Page Designer, caugh), he can explain it all).

    On the other hand, I found it interesting in the Daily Times editorial today that they felt the need to bring up Bush's win in 2000, and how he didn't win the majority vote; implying how Gore was "shafted" somehow. Yet, they never mention how Clinton never wont the popular vote, nor the whole "super delegate" shenanigans going on today in 2008 for the Democratic party which feels so adamently about the popular vote in 2000. Then again, they talk about "inflated" gas prices, yet they can't even discuss how the prices are inflated (probably because they can't prove they are).

    It's amazing how selective some people's minds can be.

  4. Phillies win the East and have the best record in the National League (101 wins).

    Hussein Obama will take all of our wealth, except his and his elitist friends, and oil is only the beginning.

    After the game yesterday I was in the Acme, and Turkey Hill ice cream is $6.29 a half gallon. What is a welfare mother to do? We need Arlen to have a Senate hearing on the windfall profits being raked in by all of the ice cream manufacturers. The prices are crazy.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  5. Scott,are you serious?

    Phillies will never surpass 100 wins without two more #1/#2 type starters. I love Jamie Moyer, but he's crumbling. Kyle Kendrick's in for a sophmore slump as NL batters now know what he's got in his pitching arsenal. And Adam Eaton? God help us...

  6. Steve:

    Yes I am very serious! We can talk about this in September. The Phillies have the most potent offense in the league, and although the pitching has some holes, they will be alright, especially when Manuel figures out that it is ok to use Romero for 2 innings.

    Keep the faith.

  7. Let's leave it like this: I hope I'm wrong and you're right.

    No one can doubt our offense. If Lidge gets healthy, no one can doubt our bullpen (with Romero, Lidge, Madson and a functional Gordon). We just need pitching help, thats why I think it may be Carlos Carrasco time some time this season. Watch him in the minors if you get a chance, he's the next staple in the pitching rotation.

  8. Leave it to Steve to keep a thread on topic. Lol…

    B. Hussein Obama is a Black Militant Socialist.

  9. B. Hussein Obama is going to be at Strath Haven High School tomorrow. I am going to let my oldest stay home so that she doesn't get more liberal indoctrination.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  10. They shouldn't let Lib candidates anywhere near high schools. Who invited him? Are they going to host McCain as well to offer the kids some balance? Maybe the Grand Wizard too?

  11. Shields...

    Darn shame you did not let your son have a glimpse of the next presdident...shame on you.

  12. Hey Shields...

    BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (at the top of my lungs...

    Obama '08 - Fired Up, Ready To Go!!
