
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cebrian Was All Wet?

You'll recall this story about our County Councilman Jack Whelan and Gene Whelan. And how they disarmed a crazed man at a local drug store.

Here's an interesting note from people purporting to be "The Family of Cebrian Spence." I see no harm in posting it.

It says:

To: Mr. Gene & Jack Whelan

We would like to commend you for doing what the two of you did in that situation on March, 30, 2008. If the two of you did not intervene, it could have been worse. Cebrian has a drug problem. He (is) also homeless living in abandoned houses, but he's never hurt anyone other than himself. The drug called wet, which is embalming fluid sprayed on marijuana, caused him to go off like he did.

To: the Manager of the CVS

We would like to say that Cebrain Spencer and his family are very sorry for what happened. We have asked God to forgive him for what he has done to you. Cebrain is very remorseful and has asked for your forgiveness for his actions.

Thank you and may God bless you & your family

From: The Family of Cerbrian Spence

Sounds sincere to me, for what it's worth.

1 comment:

  1. I am a friend of Cebrian's. We refer to him as Ceb. I have not seen him in years. I am sad that he ended up causing damage to another human being. The person that I grew up with would never intentionaly end up in such a situation.

    I am indeed remorseful to the store manager, the two gentlemen who assisted him and other witnesses who had to see such a terrible ordeal.

    Lastly, I regret over the years I sadly could not assist my friend. Yet, I know that when your life spirals so far out of control with drugs something major will almost always occur before you sober up.

    I wish Ceb and all others involved the highest degree that can be obtained under the circumstances. Maybe Ceb will find some degree of peace and seek to atone for his actions.

    Cebs' Friend
