
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Demagogueing Free Trade

Robert Samuelson explains that the Democrats are being idiots on free trade.

Money Q:

Almost everyone wishes for a renaissance of American manufacturing, and none have said so more louder than the Democratic presidential candidates and Democratic members of Congress. The trouble is that their deeds don't match their words. They have blamed trade for almost anything that might ail the U.S. economy -- in particular, manufacturing -- when the opposite is now true: only through expanded trade can the economy thrive and manufacturing stage a comeback.


  1. This is why I'm so sarcastic on the idea of free trade (e.g. Does Joe Sestak drink Fair Trade Coffee?)

    I understand the intent of fair trade, but the priority these days should be domestic. Should we have fair trade GM products?

  2. Dems are idiots.

    I think the dance Hill is trying to do with her on again/ off again support for NAFTA is funny as hell. I was wondering when this was going to come to the front. Just like her husband’s other initiative, Don’t Ask/ Don’t Tell, now she’s firmly against it.
    Man, them Clintons will say anything… But she’s still better than The Black Militant Muslim Candidate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don’t think anyone here will argue that you’re not confused, Dave.
    You are, after all, a Lib blindly supporting the Black Racist Candidate as some affirmative action atonement for long past racial injustices blahblah, or some such silliness.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Careful with the libel, Dave. I have never promoted racial injustice. And didn’t you lecture us that to be a “militant” one must advocated violence? Hehehe… Never have I done this either, unlike you.

    But leave it to you to resort to lying in a pathetic grasping attempt to score a point at all cost. You represent your Lib Party well.

    Hey, you never told us, is there anything that your man B. Hussein Obama could do or say that would turn you against him? Anything at all …whatsoever?
    Didn't think so.

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  8. Who ever said anything about a race war?? ...other than you? Stop projecting, liar.

    Boy, you're really grasping today, Dave. What say you come out of the apologist past you wallow in and try living in today? Evolve, man. Blacks are not retarded children that need you to look after them and protect them. really they're not.

    And blacks wouldn't be in jail if they didn't commit crimes. The rest of us seem to grasp this simple fact that you seem to have so much trouble grasping as you grasp.

    And once again, being called a "racist" by an apologist like you is laughable in the extreme. It's like being called an idiot by a moron! Lol...

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  10. That's deep, Apologist Dave.
    Oops, I mean shallow.

  11. first of all robert what do do for a living
