
Saturday, April 5, 2008

First Vietnam, Then Iraq, Then the Democratic Party

Michael Barone says the Democrats are engaged in "tribal warfare."

"Exit polls have shown that the contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has produced deep divisions among Democratic constituencies. It looks something like tribal warfare. Whites have voted, if you average the results from the states, 53 percent to 39 percent for Clinton; blacks, 80 percent to 17 percent for Obama; Latinos, 58 percent to 39 percent for Clinton; Asians, in California (the one primary state where they’re numerous enough to gauge), 71 percent to 25 percent for Clinton."

It's an unwinnable civil war: a quagmire. Americans should get out of the Democratic party before it's too late.


  1. It's an unwinnable civil war: a quagmire. Americans should get out of the Democratic party before it's too late.

    Yeah, despite all the scoldings ever misdirected at whites over our supposed racial attitudes, it turns out that it isn't whites who are the most racially partisan(racist) group with their votes. Imagine that.

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  3. Don't get too excited there, Dave. I personally know at least five people who temporarily jumped ship that will once again be Repubs come April 23.
    It's been fun teasing them, calling them Donkeys. Lol...

  4. Good thing people are volunteering. Hope they're not used for cannon fodder.

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  6. Oh brotha. Have you been drinking tonight, Dave?
    First off, that’s a grasping LibDem charge. There is nothing inherently underhanded about party-jumping in order to influence the opposition’s primary. Dems have been doing it for years. Many states do not have a closed primary like PA does and their voters can vote for anyone they want in either party. Besides, in a number of these open primary states the Donkeys have done just that and this is in part why we have ended up with McCain as our nominee.
    What’s good for the Donkey is good for the Elephant. (Although I know how much you Libs hate it when everyone plays by the same rules.)

    And you never did tell us just why a white male such as yourself would vote for a militant black racist that hates you as much as he hates me for our white skin. Is this what you guys are calling "change" and "unity" these days? What up with that, yo?

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  8. I agree with you that one party should not influence the other’s primary. All states primaries should be closed and voter registration rules should be changed to avoid jumping. BUT… My point was that so long as things are as they are and since the Dems have been doing it that it’s ok for Repubs to do it too. Notice I didn’t jump.
    (But really this is more because I’d just feel so dirty being a filthy Donkey even for one day. Lol…)

    If McCain had attended a white supremacist church for 20 years you would be calling him a racist in your every post. You would, you would, you would.

  9. Just as you’d be calling him “Adolph” if that were his middle name.

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  11. Obama's church has both black white folks.

    Sure. Black militants and their apologist white sympathizers. Maybe you should go join up?

    I got news for ya, you're not exactly doing your party any favors here either, Dave. Lol...

  12. Diano Edwards:

    Your side wins, when will we have Utopia?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  13. Dave must be looking forward to his 72 gay black virgins! Lol…

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  15. Diano Edwards:

    You grasp at straws like nobody's business. First, what makes you think I am a hater? Second, what makes you think that I am a bigot?

    As for being Christian, I am not on a mission to convert anyone by force or intimidation - unlike your side of the debate. The only thing I do is point out that my God is a loving God who sent his Son to die for all of our Sins. It is very powerful.

    Lastly, if I allowed my typical white daughter to have a black boyfriend, would you stop calling me a bigot and a hater?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  16. greater acknowledgment of racial equality resulting from an Obama Presidency will bring us a few steps closer.

    Ah, there’s the affirmative action presidency that we’ve been saying has been the case all along! Only when we say it they call us “racists”. Hehehe…

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  18. Diano Edwards:

    Did you read my column yesterday? I got goosebumps from the ignoramous that left me a message - I can send it to you if you like.

    Also, since my daughter does date a black boy, I guess that I am the one calorie of diet coke bigot (A diet bigot).

    Homosexuality will always be a sin, just like adultery, murder, theivery, etc... God created a man and a woman, period! As for disliking homosexuals, I have many that are clients and that respect my honesty. In fact, most homosexuals I know are very conflicted about their sexuality.

    As I said on another thread, I don't care if some people think I am a nut job (whatever that means), but I will tell you that I have witnessed some of my clients handing out literature about the sins of abortion and homosexuality near parents who shield their childrens' eyes from the horrors of the Christian viewpoint. So regardless of what you say, and the names you call me. I win in the end because I have accepted Christ as my Savior. I am not going to threaten or intimidate you into accepting Christ but it would be nice.

    So there!

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  20. Diano Edwards:

    Talk about being mentally unbalanced. That is why I called you a queer, but that was censored. When I called you a queer I was not using the slang, but the proper definition.

    Anyway, you link to a website out of Canada that is anything but tolerant, especially of the Christian viewpoint. That site is a site where all the religions can express a belief in whatever they want, and it is accepted, so long as it doesn't criticize homosexuals, Islam, or killing unborn babies. Also Ontario has legalized same sex marriage, outlawed the criticism of homosexuality or Islam (and the two are not compatible), and it jailed an American citizen without any notification of our nation.

    In reading many of your responses, I now see what Ann Coulter means when she talks about panty waste. Grow a set and come join the team Diano Edwards.

    Lastly, I will debate you, Hussein Obama, or anyone else about any of these topics and I will win.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  22. Diano Edwards:

    You are truly a little man. No matter how hard anyone tries to engage in rational debate with you it ends up with name calling from you, and some of us, including me do it back at you. It is not right, but it is fun!

    Most people agree with me on these issues but are too afraid of saying so publicly. It is people like you that have resorted to name calling to squelch any reasonable or rational debate on the sin of homosexuality, the killing of our unborn (which is the sin of murder), and the true meaning of the Constitution. In fact, it is Judges who think like you that are perhaps the most dangerous of all...

    C. scott Shields, Esquire

    I challenged you to grow a set and you failed.

  23. Of course democrats out register republicans every year! These are college students who are tortured with an overly liberal education at america's finest institutions everywhere. When they outgrow the hype, the find common sense and re-register republican!

    What is it Winston Churchill said?

    "If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."

  24. Wow. Dave sure gets to spouting some ugly angry intolerance when ya get him all worked up and going. Lol... That's not very Lib of him.
    He's so easy.

    And give it up, Dave, you said it all yourself right here. Obama is the Affirmative Action candidate to you White Guilt-ridden Apologist Liberals looking to make racial amends:

    greater acknowledgment of racial equality resulting from an Obama Presidency will bring us a few steps closer.

    Obama is "The Black Candidate" and nothing more.
    End of spinning/lying story.

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  26. Why don't you find a gay bar somewhere in Philly and test out your arguments there?

    Along with his ugly and angry intolerant invective, Dave also often advocates violence against those with which he disagrees. He did this to me just yesterday with a veiled threat of supporting black violence against me just because my views hurt his feelings. And he supports Obama’s Black Militant church that promotes veiled threats of violence against the White Devil for injustices imagined.
    We never see anyone else here do these things. That sure is some “progress” from a Progressive.

    Witness the state of Angry Modern Liberalism.

    All this veiled threatening… Jeez, Dave, at least have to stones to unveil your threats of violence against others, so we can send the cops to your house. Be a man and stand up for your cowardly Liberalism.

    Dave, you’re a mess. An offensive mess. And a pathetic shell of a man. Maybe someone should kick your cowardly azz and make you cry like a little girl.

  27. David,

    I see you posted at 4:26 a.m. this morning. You need to get some sleep, man!

    And that goes for you too, Scott.

  28. Apparently childish Libism causes one to not sleep well.
    While I’ll bet Mr. S. was up early to start his day with some healthy exercising.

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  30. Oh, that's right, I forgot Wright had been a slave. My bad. Tell us, was your man B. Hussein Obama a slave too?

    Lunch counters are reason to espouse violence?? If you say so. But don't be surprised if others disagree.
    It seems it's more about just hating whitey for the heck of it.

    Say, have ya had any luck finding any of them darn "straights only" lunch counters or water fountains?

  31. I get up at early everyday to work out. Must be strong to think strong. Patreus today was awesome. What a great warrior, and Diane Feinstein is as ugly in person as she is on tv.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  33. Oh, that's right, I forgot Wright had been beaten for sitting at a lunch counter. My bad. No wonder he hates whitey so. Tell us, was your man B. Hussein Obama beaten for sitting at a lunch counter too?

  34. Wait a second...

    The GOP produces ads catered to trigger our fear senses? Are you smoking crack now? Do you forget the infamous Johnson ad featuring the mushroom cloud? Or how about these pathetic "3 AM" ads your two knucklehead candidtaes are running?.

    I will give the GOP credit, after all, they found a way to get W re-elected in 2004. (Commence election conspiracy theory of 2004)

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  36. What about Obama's ads. Also, don't you fear his socialistic/marxist policies?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  38. Police state? Oh brother... You are so shrill and hurt feelings-y. Lol...
