
Friday, April 18, 2008

Getting the Terrorist Vote

And this from Powerline's John Hinderaker:

Hamas endorsed Barack Obama for President on Sunday. Yesterday, after Hamas's endorsement was reported here and elsewhere, his campaign tried to distance Obama from the terrorist group:

"Senator Obama has repeatedly rejected and denounced the actions of Hamas, a terrorist organization responsible for the deaths of many innocents, that is dedicated to Israel's destruction," Obama campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

Left unaddressed by the campaign was what it is about Obama's policies that makes his candidacy so attractive to a leading terrorist organization. Here is one obvious possibility: Iran controls Hamas. Obama has said that as President, he would meet one-on-one with Iranian leaders, without preconditions. Perhaps Hamas's endorsement reflects Iran's pleasure at the prospect of an American President with whom the mullahs can do business.


  1. Hamas, Iran, Black Panthers, Fat Teddy, Hanoi John, Hanoi Jane, Spingsteen, Oprah...

  2. Obama will only tell you what you want to hear. He won't tell you things that will hurt him.

    Last night I saw his commercial about education. He said he will "recruit more teacher and pay them more". Since when does the President of United States get involved with my school districts contract negotiations with it's teachers?

    Morons will believe this and vote for him so he can pay the teachers more since Bush didn't.

  3. Here's the next Obama commercial:

    "When I was a small child growing up, it used to snow on Christmas."

    "Some of my fondest memories were playing outside with a new sled, enjoying the white Christmas."

    "As the next President, I'll bring back white Christmas, so the next generation can enjoy the snow as much as I did"

  4. Lol! Great stuff, E!

  5. Lol! Great stuff, E!

    Indeed, his followers are idiots.

  6. It's all about the change "r".

    For the last 4 years we've had a President who tells us things we don't want to hear like the world is full of people who want to destroy America. That makes it hard to sleep at night.

    It's time for change. We need a president who won't tell us scary bed time stories. If you don't hear the scary story, you won't be scared right? Here's a better bed time story:

    You payin' too much for gas? I'll lower gas prices.

    Teachers, you want more money? I'll pay you more!

    Hate the war? I'll stop it as president.

    Healthcare? I'm a gonna give it to you as president. I never did a damn thing about it as a legislator (the people who really control things like these), but I'll do it as president (when I really can't).

  7. Good deal, E. Let me follow up:

    "In the 1980's We had Mr Belvedere on Friday nights on ABC.

    Some of my fondest memories were of watching Mr. Belvedere following Perfect Strangers on ABC. But thanks to the current administration, we have to settle for lackluster dramas and scarce sitcoms.

    As your President, I promise to bring back TGIF to Friday nights, espeically Mr Belvedere. YES WE CAN - watch TV again"

    Paid for by Obama for America...

    Thanks to

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  9. Lol, S! Now that’s some “change” we can live with!

    I really have difficulty believing that so many idiots have been swept up in Obamamania with nothing more than his vague, sweeping, feel-good, hollow platitudes about “change”. I guess I give the American people too much credit.
    Who was it that said you’ll never go broke underestimating the stupidity of the common man?

    Note to Obama idiots: Not all change is good. Set your emotions aside and try thinking for yourselves. Do we really want The Most Liberal Member of Congress in there calling the shots with fellow radical Libs Pelosi and Reid there to implement their Radical Liberal Agenda on America? Really?

  10. Dave suffers from too much "education" ...and not enough smarts. He's one of the blind Obama followers. Doesn't really say much for his critical thinking skills.

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  12. Would Obama promise to abolish Dave from this board? I may haver ot drink the Kool Aid!!!

    I think we hurt his feelings with the sarcastic ads!

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  14. Hamas wouldn't endorse the candidate they wanted anyway, because they know it would damage that candidate. So, they must prefer Clinton or McCain. I think they'd rather have McCain further destabilizing the Mid-East.

    LMAO! Come on, Dave, which is it: Are you lying or just stupid? Because it only can be one or the other. So which is it? Are you a liar or an idiot? Lol...

    Everyone knows that if they could all our enemies would vote for the Democrats, particularly their sympathetic brotha, B. Hussein Obama. (Much as the Black Pathers endorsed they brotha.) Hell, we saw them dancing in the streets as they did after 9/11 when the Dems won last election. This tells the entire True Unspinable Tale.

    The debate is over. (not that there ever really was one)

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  16. Well, firstly, I don’t recall all our allies saying that they would prefer a Donkey, so that’s a lie. And besides, this election is to elect the AMERICAN President. So what our friends think of the whole thing really should not and does not matter anyway.
    I believe that most America-loving folks would concern themselves more with what our sworn enemies would like to see happen and would want to do the exact opposite of that. But that’s just me.

    That our terrorist enemies would vote for your guy is really a tough position to spin as being somehow good, eh Dave. (snicker)

    And stop projecting, America-hater.

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  18. Diano Edwards:

    Terrorist don't dislike America because the world thinks that we are unfair to people with dark skin, they hate us because we are free, and because we are a Christian nation.

    In case you haven't been paying attention, Islam wants to KILL all non-believers. There will be an epic battle, and it will be between Islam and western civilization. I suggest that you get prepared.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  19. Yep, Mr. S, they want to kill us all because they hate us all equally. This is what makes Lib dopes like Dave their useful idiots. They hate the Daves just as much as they hate you and me, but the Daves enable and appease them. Yep, useful idiots.

    Obama's presidency will seriously undercut the terrorists recruitment that portrays America as a country that is unfair to people with darker skin. Obama will change the way the world looks at America. His election will reinforce the idea of the "American Dream" that we promote to the world. It will also show that under Democracy, minority groups can get their turn sitting at the table.

    There’s that Lib affirmative action electioneering! Nah, you’re not supporting B. Hussein Obama just and only because he’s black… Lol…

  20. why not. george bush,s term expires in less than a year. they will have to deal with somebody.

  21. to pro gun whatever. do you think jesus would have carried a gun or knife or spear. i don,t recall that passage.

  22. To Anon:

    So nice of you to join a discussion, and so brave of you for telling us who you are. The Old and New Testaments are replete with references to carrying a weapon to defend your self and others. It is our Christian duty to be able to protect ourselves and others. In fact, even in our Nation, you DO NOT have a right to police protection, yet I would bet that you think that only the police should have guns.

    Here is a link to a pretty decent article on the subject.

    Enjoy reading.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  23. you are probaly right about jesus beating the hell out of somebody, but i can,t seem to remember it.

  24. Anon:

    Again you are so brave for staying anonymous. Who said anything about Jesus beating anyone?

    The bottom line is that the Bible is replete with references to being able to protect yourself, as it is your duty!

    I suppose that you didn't read the article I linked to. Anyway, I also suppose that you don't want people to have a right to self defense, and that you choose not to defend yourself. Am I correct?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  25. no your wrong. i have a gun permit and i carry. as far as protecting ourselves and killing terroists why arn,t we doing it. why do we have 150,000 troops in iraq when they should be next door in iran. a country that really has weapons of mass destruction. i guess what i am trying to say is when are these conservitive republicans going to get it right. they say their pro-life but in 8 years they havent stopped one abortion, osama benladin is still alive and planning more attacks.the economy is in the trash can, unemployment is rising, gas prices are through the roof and guess what its a republican incharge.

  26. "Obama's presidency will seriously undercut the terrorists recruitment that portrays America as a country that is unfair to people with darker skin. Obama will change the way the world looks at America. His election will reinforce the idea of the "American Dream" that we promote to the world. "

    This is the biggest load of BS I have seen in a while. Yes Dave, they will all renounce thier hatred of America, Israel, Christianity and anybody else different then they are because the chosen one is of mixed race. Yes, Bin Laden himself will come out of hiding and turn himself in. Hamas will hold hands with the IDK and sing songs and roast marshmellows. Iran will stop it's nuke program and start exporting massive amounts ofchildren's coloring books instead, because barry obama is president.

    Did somebody put PCP in your kool aid?

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  28. The truth is that the Daves see a black man and the apologist Lib in him will blindly support any black man. Then he sets about trying to grasp at "reasons" why he supports his Black Candidate. And he just makes things up as he goes.

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  30. Hmm, let’s think about this for a moment, shall we?…

    I am the one who always advocates for colorblindness and an end to rampant black racism, racial privilege and set asides, racial scorekeeping, the Racial Double Standard and divisive things of this nature.
    While YOU are intent on keeping racial divisions alive by ever promoting divisive things like racial focused identity politics… group victimhood, etc, keeping our society divided into suspicious and warring groups divided by race, for the Left to exploit to their benefit. You Lefties and blacks keeping race alive is why we are where we find ourselves all these years later in terms of racial strife. You don’t want us to move on.
    So which side is doing the judging by group skin color rather than by individual character? Yep, that would be you filthy Lefties.

    Gee, it certainly would seem that I am more in tune to MLK’s dream than you. And YOU are the problem, Dave. Imagine that!

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  32. Ho-hum.

    Sure, I advocate colorblindness all the time. While you advocate endless racial spoils to atone for historic blahblahweepweep.
    And you willfully ignore the rampant black racism that festers today while choosing to unduly focus on the few rare instances of white. As a radical guilt-ridden apologist, you are hardly an objective observer. And you Libs keep race alive today; YOU are the problem. I thought we already went over this.

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  34. Diano Edwards:

    People like me, Randal, Gil and many others are not racists because we don't agree with your worldview. I said it before and I will remind you of the words of Chief Justice Roberts. If you want to end discrimination stop discriminating. Might I also suggest that you listen to Rush Limbaugh and his parodies on Barack the Magic Negro and the Justice Brothers.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  35. Try writing a letter to the editor of the Philly Inquirer about how black racism is rampant.

    What does this mean? That you are smugly proud of how your fellow Apologist Libs have been able to abuse their holdings in the Press in order to stifle all opposing views? That’s not very free speech-y American, Dave. Tsk-tsk…

    Sure, this election season alone has exposed the broad black racism that many had known to exist in this country. Sure.

    Barack the Magic Negro! LMAO! Hahahahahahaha!!!...

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  37. Diano Edwards (Peter Puffer):

    I am still trying to figure out how Boston Legal's views on its perceived problems of the Supreme Court is relevant to anything real world. Additionally, I was never made aware that Boston Legal was an authority on the Supreme Court. I guess that had I gone to Cornell and gotten a double pene^&!^&*( (I mean major), I would have learned that the producer of Boston Legal was an authority on the Supreme Court and not just another left wing loon.

    Rush calls Barack the Magic Negro. It is a very funny and true satirical piece, same as the Justice Brothers.

    What you fail to see (even though it is right in front of you), is that the race hustlers among us want you to believe that the black man is still being held down, instead of promoting the black success stories such as Justice Thomas and Condoleeza Rice (to name only a couple). There are many others.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  38. Yeah, Mr. S, in Dave’s apologist world blacks are eternal victims at the White Devil hand that need perpetual help overcoming blahblah like they are helpless retarded children. This Lib stance on race is actually quite insulting and… racist!

    reverse-racism fiction

    LOL! Dave’s got it bad! “Nah, no blacks are racist, only whites are!”

    You’re right, Dave, them Habitually Black Colleges and Universities are pretty racist in their hiring and admissions. Just look at how their demographics don’t nearly reflect society. Something is wrong there and needs correcting. But to you such institutionalized black racism is just fine and dandy.

    Yeah, and every editor of the Inqy is a filthy Lib operative.
    But I have managed to get letters published in newspapers from time to time.
