
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Gong Show

The NYT reports on politicians going on pop TV to promote themselves and their spouses.

Spencerblog happened to catch George Bush's appearance on "Deal or No Deal." (The Phillies game hadn't started yet.) In cheering on a decorated Iraq War vet, the president was self-deprecating and well-received. Other pols have been smart to do the same sort of thing. Expect more of it.

But when they start making appearances on "Flip This House" expect a backlash.


  1. I heard Obama plans to make a special appearance on "Jackass " shortly with Bam's West Chester Crew...

    You could also see him on MOnday Night RAW ... "IF YA SMELLLLLL WHAT THE BARACK IS COOKIN' "

  2. The shrill Hurt Feelings Bushaphobes hate it when our King is cast in a positive light.
    For nearly eight years we’ve heard them weep and attack him and kept us divided for to avenge their petty injured feelings going all the way back to the 2000 election. Kinda makes you wonder about all their new talk of “change” and “unity” after they’ve done their best to divide our nation while attacking the President of the United States just so they can seize power.
