
Friday, April 4, 2008

Good News in Iraq Angers Democrats

A new intelligence report says progress is being made in Iraq.

Democrats, of course, are furious.


  1. Who do these LibDonkey traitors in Congress think they are?
    The last thing they want is for the war to go well with the election coming.
    They've been playing cheap political games with the war for years now.
    Whose side are they on?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Umm, Dave, just about everyone but you vicious Bush haters who will never give him credit for anything good agree that the surge has worked.

  4. Spinzo at his worst. Dave, you gotta stop reading "the daily left" and go seek the true hard facts on this one...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lol… Is anyone surprised that Dave is condemning Petraeus’ report before he even gives it, just like the partisan LibDem gamesters in Congress? Anyone?

    Hey, Dave, I’ll bet you just loved that treasonous “Petraeus/Betray Us” ad your Hate America First buddies cooked up last year, huh?
