
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Greatest of Honors

Gen. David Petraeus, testifying before congress, ended his opening remarks this way:

"In closing, I want to comment briefly on those serving our nation in Iraq. We have asked a great deal of them and of their families, and they have made enormous sacrifices.

"My keen personal awareness of the strain on them and on the force as a whole has been an important factor in my recommendations.

"The Congress, the executive branch and our fellow citizens have done an enormous amount to support our troopers and their loved ones. And all of us are grateful for that.

"Nothing means more to those in harm's way than the knowledge that their country appreciates their sacrifices and those of their families. Indeed, all Americans should take great pride in the men and women serving our nation in Iraq and in the courage, determination, resilience and initiative they demonstrate each and every day. It remains the greatest of honors to soldier with them."

Too bad John Kerry didn't feel the same way about his comrades in arms. If he had, they might have felt the same way about him.


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  2. Obviously, Kerry's fellow vets misunderstood how he wanted to help and honor them by calling them war criminals and rapists.

    Silly vets.

    And wasn't Kerry one of those senators who voted to send our troops to fight and die in Iraq?

    You would think he, of all people, would know better than to trust any Republican president to tell the truth about anything, let alone about his real reasons for going to war.

    But then it was a Democratic president who lied us into Vietnam.

    The poor gullible senator from Massachusetts, he just can't catch a break.

  3. "It is the duty of any president, in the final analysis, to defend this nation and dispel the security threat. Saddam Hussein has brought military action upon himself by refusing for 12 years to comply with the mandates of the United Nations. The brave and capable men and women of our armed forces and those who are with us will quickly, I know, remove him once and for all as a threat to his neighbors, to the world, and to his own people, and I support their doing so."

    Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
    Statement on eve of military strikes against Iraq
    March 17, 2003


  4. Kinda like Slick Willie stating that Saddam Hussein (-no relation to B. Hussein Obama) had weapons of mass destruction and that someone must do something about that. But Bush lied…

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  6. And we kept hoping to see a fearless Hanoi John that would go up against al Quaida. We never saw that either.

  7. Good line by General Petraeus. He entered a bad situation and has done a lot of good. Politics don't matter at the battle lines, people should recognize that he has performed well under the circumstances.

  8. It is nothing short of disgusting how the Donkey candidates turned the meeting into an interrogation for campaign fodder. When are we gonna see somea this promised “change” and “unity” from old style politics?

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  10. Quit dancing, Dave. Why don’t you just come out and say it: “Petraeus Betray Us!” Ya know you want to. This is about of the same depth of the tired weeping you post here anyway.

  11. you're desperately seeking backup for your conspiracy theory dave. The oil conspiracy has been around forever, I've grown tired of it.

  12. Dave,

    Not only do you attempt to put words in the general's mouth, you purport to know the thoughts in his head.

    I don't know why Petraeus even bothered to come back from Iraq to testify. Congress could have invited YOU to Washington to tell them what was in the general's mind and saved him a long flight.

    Or maybe he was just telling the truth as he sees it.

    Nah, only a man of honor would do that. And Gen. Betray Us, as your friends at called him, isn't honorable enough to be honest when he is sworn to tell the truth.

    The only military men you seem to think tell the truth are the ones who say the war is lost, our soldiers are psychopathic killers and vote for Democrats.

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  14. Diano Edwards:

    You find fault with everything that doesn't fit into your worldview. Can you name one thing that the President has done well?

    I was in the room Tuesday when the General and Ambassador were speaking. They were awesome!

    The code pink crowd was there too with signs and costumes and the Capitol police left them alone. I was sitting there wondering why Michael Marcavage gets arrested at the Liberty Bell holding a Bible, yet none of the pinkos got arrested. Maybe you can help me understand this Diano Edwards.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  16. everything's a conspiracy from the left's viewpoint, I don't understand why.

    The petty senate democrats are also holding up the regular judicial appointments, doing their part to screw up the court system. Why is it Dems treat these appointments in such a hostile fashion while the GOP works with them?

  17. Diano Edwards:

    You are a beacon of ignorance. Marcavage was not arrested for annoying people, he was arrested because he refused to move from a public sidewalk to a "free speech zone". While Marcavage was getting arrested there were hundreds of breat cancer marchers yelling louder than Marcavage was talking. Why weren't they arrested? Also, Diano Edwards, should someone be arrested merely because of a crowd that doesn't like the message? Clue: I am not talking about speech that isn't protected, i.e. fighting words, yelling fire in a movie theater, etc...

    Your turn.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  18. I think it’s funny how the Left still weeps about Osama bin Laden (no relation to B. Hussein Obama) and that he’s still on the loose. They did the same with Saddam Hussein (no relation to B. Hussein Obama). Until he was captured. At which time the LibDems became silent. The same thing would happen if bin Laden were captured. They weep endlessly about it but if he were to be caught they wouldn’t give Bush credit and would act as if his capture meant nothing. And they’d find something else petty to whine about. It’s all a LibDem game. A very transparent and childish and damaging to America game, but still just a game, all motivated by their petty hatred of Bush and their thirst to seize power at all cost. They should be ignored.

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  20. Diano Edwards:

    News flash for you. The law, secifically the first amendment, protects speech that some people find annoying. That is why you don't get hauled off to jail.

    Some of the local police are understanding this. Specifically, Marcavage set up outside of the Iron Hill Brewery before Christmas to bring a message to those in attendance on Gay Night at the Iron Hill that Jesus saves.

    Immediately after he pulled out the signs and banner, the police were called by the owner. About 10 or so police cars from various jurisdictions pulled up. I was there so they left Marcavage alone.

    Michael's viewpoint is acceptable to me and millions of other people, and I know that his viewpoint was unacceptable to the attendees of Gay Night, and you. However, that is the whole point of the first amendment. Freedom of speech is about protecting unpopular speech, as we can all agree that popular speech doesn't need protection. Remember also that what is popular today may very well be very unpopular tomorrow.

    I can give you a lesson on the first amendment if you agree to stop the name calling.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  21. Libs sure don’t seem to care for free speech when they disagree with what is being said. They get down right intolerant, Fascist even. That’s not very First Amendment-y of them.

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  23. See, everything that the Daves disagree with or hurts their feelings is "hate speech".

  24. Diano Edwards:

    Marcavage could have been charged with harassment or disturbing the peace (disorderly conduct), but he wasn't. That is because he wasn't harassing anyone or disturbing the peace. He was arrested because he refused to take his message to a free speech zone far away from his audience.

    Give me your knowledge based argument that two men were designed by God (or your God) to sodomize each other.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  26. Diano Edwards:

    So sad to be you. Do you believe in anything spiritusl, or do you worship the tree?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  27. Diano, I can only respect your opinions of a "no God" theory. Don't force them on us.

    Personally, I feel the denial of a Creator to be more extreme than Scott's beliefs any day of the week.

  28. Yeah. The Libs sure do force their godlessness on everyone, all the while chastising those who preach a little harmless Godliness.

    See how Libs always push too far and are actually the most intolerant. This is true of them on virtually every topic, as Dave has displayed here with his ugly attacks in support of blacks and gays etc. His extreme vitriol for his opponents is much more offensive than that which he is condemning from his opponents. So who's the real hater?

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  30. One Nation, Under GOD, with Liberty and Justice for all.

  31. No, Dave. You sure seem pretty darn intolerant about it.

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  33. Diano Edwards:

    Too bad that the existence of God is not obvious to you. I have never suggested that Christianity be the only religion in America. Our founding fathers rejected the notion of a state religion (think England at the time), and instead they strove for religious tolerance. That said, our founding fathers were still Christian, period!

    As for your assertions that I am like Bin Laden in my belief that homosexuality is unnatural, you are correct. Good for Bin Laden if he thinks that homosexuality is unnatural, because it is!!!!!!!

    How perfect was the creation of a man and a woman. Both sexes perfectly compliment the other, and the proof is that only a man and a woman can make a baby. One without the other means nothing. Without cretion of babies, we would all die off. Now if you consider that homosexuals don't procreate, how do they pass the gene on to their offspring? If there is a recessive gay gene, they would still have to die off, proving that in some instances survival of the fittest works.

    That all means that you would not be here if your daddy was boinking his boyfriend in the butt. Get it???? Do you have children Diano Edwards?

    Do you need more proof Diano Edwards.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  34. And those same two words were adopted as an honor to President Lincoln who, in his Gettysburg address, refered to the union as a nation "under God". This from a man considered one of our nationa's two greatest presidents, not to mention a man who was never known for being religious.

    Convenient that you would leave that portion out, Dave...

  35. Thatnk you for the history lesson that everyone already knows, Dave.

    What about "In God We Trust" on our money?

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  37. Diano Edwards:

    Scientifically how can two people of the same sex make a baby (offspring)?

    I am not going to argue with your secular opinions which hold no scientific weight. If you are right, also explain why humans are light years ahead of every other species in every regard.

    Don't ever argue with an idiot as they will quickly drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

    You have experience.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  39. Glad you to see you admit that you and Bin Laden on the same page on this issue. Birds of a feather.

    Oh now, Dave, I’m gonna have to say that with your irrational hatred of our president and your ever apparent disdain for America that you have much more in common with Osama bin Laden (no relation to B. Hussein Obama) than anyone. Heck, when you really get on a roll the invectives you spout sound almost just like him. And we all know that if he could he’d vote along with you LibDems. We saw him and his homies celebrating the Dem victories in the streets.

    You still weeping about that hurricane? And still trying to blame it on Bush? Man, for a guy you give no credit, he sure is a powerful cat if he can control the weather. Lol…

  40. Diano Edwards:

    Your status as the Village Idot is set in stone.

    How about Katrina and the failure/refusal fo the governor to allow any federal aid until days after the incident, or Nagin's failure to get people out, or the corruption of the Dike commission (I don't know its legal name)? Do you remember any of that?

    It is so easy to criticize and just blame Bush! How about we give each one of the residents a cool $500,000.00 each. Will taht make you happy?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire
