
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama Lax on Potential Vote Fraud

And the hits (against Obama) just keep on coming.

This one, comes from the Supreme Court and liberal icon John Paul Stevens, who rejected arguments that Indiana's voter ID law was unconsitutional because it put to great a burden on voters.

Obama is a big supporter of ACORN, a far-left group well-known to register phony and illegal voters.


  1. Score another win for justice and reason …and another loss for the Feelings and Fraud folks.
    How can the LibDems even challenge something like showing ID. For them to oppose it is to support the rampant fraud in their ranks. They may as well have just come out and said “We are opposed to this because we want our people to be free to commit voting fraud that benefits us!”

    Seems like everyday we learn something new and disturbing about the Black Candidate, B. Hussein Obama. And yet his candidacy still hasn’t been derailed. What will it take for LibDems to abandon this jerk? A white with comparable baggage would have been dropped some time ago.
    See how they will cling to the end to their anointed Black Coming. He is still standing because he is black, Period. –ala Ms. Ferraro.

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  3. Yeah, Dave, like the Lying Lib New York Times is an objective voice on anything. Lol…
    It sounds like the disingenuous weepy crap you post.

    How long do you intend to cry about this before getting over it?

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  5. “Modern Liberalism relies on dishonesty and stirring emotions. And who likes to be lied to? And all that weeping gets old.” ~Me

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  7. “When ya got nothing else, call everyone a ‘racist’” ~Apologist Dave Diano

  8. Let's break the ice...

    When I pick up my morning newspaper, I turn to the Sports page firstirst. The sports page records man's accomplishments, the front page usually records nothing, but man's failures.
    -Earl Warren

  9. Isn’t ACORN the whacko Radical Lib group that was sneaking into prisons an registering incarcerated criminals to vote in blatant violation of the law? Kinda hard to defend this, eh Dave. Why weren’t these jerks jailed themselves?

    No surprise Obama is in bed with these fraud folks. Every day it’s something else…

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Naw, that’s just a shrill LibDem rumor your hurt feelings are still clinging to. Besides, even if it were true, McCain isn’t in cahoots with such things as your Black Candidate Obama is with these ACORN lawbreakers.

    No, thanks to the Left’s “get everyone involved in politics” efforts we have seen the fraud rise and the dumbing down. In every recent election their have been rampant reports of LibDems fraudulently registering voters, intimidating voters at the polls, slashing GOP tires, stealing GOP lawn signs. We also see ghetto things like “Vote or Die”.
    This is what we get when all them new LibDems “get involved”. What are you LibDems teaching your kids? Winning at all cost? At the expense of things like honor, honesty, integrity, good sportsmanship…

    This is A LOT worse.

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  13. Dave, i thought it was the Dems. Example - The Local 98 Mafia in Philadelphia starting fights at the Polls. They ALWAYS go democratic.

  14. Intimidation at the polls and stealing lawn signs is practically in the Delco GOP bylaws.

    This is another instance where your simply saying an untruth doesn’t make it magically come true. Cheap weedroots political games like intimidation and stealing lawn signs from private property are without question tricks wholly of the Dems. I’ve had signs stolen from my lawn, as I know many other GOPers who have.
    (I often wonder if the Dem that stole my second sign was able to get the roofing tar out of their car’s upholstery? Hehehe…)

    And still no line between McCain and any alleged GOP improprieties like your Black Militant Candidate Obama has ties to those criminals at ACORN.

  15. Bottom line: LibDems don’t mind a little voter fraud because they well know that it is committed overwhelmingly by their followers and to their benefit. This follows their “By ANY Means Necessary” Lib Mantra.
    And they cloak their support for this fraud in shrill and baseless, tired civil rights tones… “This is like the poll tax way back when designed to keep blacks from voting!! Weepweepweep!”

    Making everyone show a simple ID to vote is in no way comparable to the poll tax.

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  17. In 2008 America there is nothing at all unreasonable about expecting everyone to have ID and show it when they vote. Particularly now when we are inundated with illegals.
    There is no baseless and unsubstantiated sinister motive to doing so. And now the Supreme Court has agreed. Just as you always lose here, the decent, reasonable thinking people won and your shrill dishonest emotional side lost. Let it go.

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  19. You keep saying that others forms of ID are “acceptable” when they are not.

    And what does gun-fearing you mean by ‘they will even accept a gun license’ as ID?? Have you ever seen a gun permit? It has a picture and more descriptive information on the individual than a driver’s license. So of course this would “even” be acceptable. Better even. Sheesh.

    Sure, when people register to vote they could have their picture taken and put on a card. But folks should have to pay for this just as we do for our driver’s licenses. But I’m sure you meant to Socialistly spread the cost by having the State pick up the tab. Oh, and then you’ll also cry about the ‘poor people who are unreasonably burdened by having to get a bus to go to the register office weepweep…’

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Your lame “hours” argument doesn’t hold water because the same could be said for the polls on election day and everyone manages to get there then.

    Yes. Mail and absentee ballots are ripe for LibDem fraud. Everyone should be able to get out once or twice a year. That’s not asking too much of them. This is not some unreasonable burden.

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  23. One alleged incident verses rampant LibDem fraud, intimidation, sign stealing and tire slashing… Yeah, I’d say that was about equal. Oh, wait a minute…

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