
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Obama a Liberal: Not!?

Why do liberal Democrats always deny being liberal, when liberal to moderate Republicans embrace the conservative moniker?


  1. HIghest Liberal rating in the senate. I'll paste the link this afternoon...

  2. Because Liberal is a bad word.

    How can someone claim to be a builder of “change” and “unity” when their record shows that they are The Most Extreme Partisan LibDem out there? People are idiots if they believe that lie. With such a radical Lib in the Oval Office and LibDonkeys controlling Congress there’d be no one there to stop him. We’d sure see some radical Libism being implemented then, forced down our throats. [shudder] Think we’d still hear the LibDems weeping about need for “checks and balances” then, as we have for the past eight years? Not likely.

  3. No surprise that this lie comes from the Black Militant candidate… Much as blacks ever weep about “racism” when really they are the most racist of anyone. They just don’t like white racism while seeing nothing wrong with the black variety.

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  5. sit down diano. There's between 7 and 9 of those groups, they're all consistent. Speaks volumes.


  6. "Much as blacks ever weep about “racism” when really they are the most racist of anyone."

    Your suggestion that "blacks" all act the same speaks volumes about your own racism.

  7. Umm, no, not really. Besides, I'm just a typical white guy.

  8. Senate Rankings Here

    One a ranking scale of 100 for Uber-Liberals through 0 for Uber-Conservatives, we have the following:

    Americans for Democratic Action - 100 (Uber-Liberal)

    Children's Defense Fund - 100 (Uber-Liberal)

    League of Conservation Voters - 95 (Fringe - Uber Liberal)

    NAACP - 100 (Uber Liberal)

    National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League - 100 (Uber Liberal)

    Service Employees International UNion - 100 (Uber-Liberal)

    Total Score - 98 - tied with Dick Durbin (Senior Senator from IL and Tom Harkin of Iowa)

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, your UBER-LIBERAL for President, Barry Obama.

    Shall I say it again? Obama will NEVER unite this county through his overly-liberal terms, juast as Bush couldn't under his overly-conservative terms. And don't givbe me Hillary, she's a whopping three points below him!

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  10. See, we even got Diano to agree that he's an UBER-LIBERAL. The Children's defense fund isn't extolling his virtues in the report I have, they're ranking him. They agree as I do that he's an UBER-LIBERAL. God help us if he got into office, the government would finally become the "big brother" that we all feared...

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  12. David Diano is a spinning liar.

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