
Friday, April 4, 2008

Obama Thinks (make that, Feels) Guns are Bad

“I am not in favor of concealed weapons,” Obama said. “I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.”

He didn't say it at Strath Haven and a good thing too, or Junior Roger Lott, who asked Obama a pointed question about his healthcare plan, might have cited chapter and verse from his dad's book, "More Guns, Less Crime."

Frank J., however, makes the point a little more colorfully.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gee, Obama is a gun grabber too... just like Hitler. Go figure.

  3. If David doesn't see the difference between law-abiding Americans owning and carrying guns and laws that permit them to do so -- and Iraq, well, then what can you say?

    In America, the evidence is clear, citizens who are licensed to carry guns are not more likely to shoot and kill innocent people. In fact they are less likely to do so that the police. Their very presence in communities deters crime and criminals.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. To cowardly gun fearing gun grabbers everyone is a potential loose cannon. Kinda like how the same racial apologists see a racist behind every tree. They should be ignored.

    You can now have Charlton Heston's gun, Dave.

    R.I.P CH.

  6. Diano edwards is dead wrong about guns. Guns save lives, period! It is amazing to me that the people that want to take our guns have armed protection. Why do they get to protect themselves at the same time that they make us vulnerable?

  7. Hey, Mr. S, since our Pennsylvania Constitution clearly states that our right to bear arms “shall not be questioned”, could not we then sue Libs for violating our rights just by their questioning our right to bear arms?

    What kind of car ya drive, Dave?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. They already have guns. You said yourself they beat you to...

  10. Hey, Dave, why don’t you put your gun fearing cowardice where your mouth is and announce to the world that yours is a “Gun Free Home!” with a big bold sign on your front lawn?
    It would be the gun fearing, none-hypocritical thing to do. Hehehe...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yeah, that's what I thought. Once again you show us what a cowardly hypocrite you really are.

