
Friday, April 25, 2008

A Win for Iraq

Victory in Basra. Democrats, look away


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  2. You don't have to sound so happy about it Traitor Dave.

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  4. No, you anti-American Libs have been celebrating every setback in this war for how you can spin it to reflect poorly on Bush. (The running scorekeeping of our war dead is the Left’s most offensive stunt.) And according to polls, you folks would actually hate to see an American victory in Iraq …for how this would reflect positively on Bush. We’re onto you. This is why no one much pays you Hurt Feelings/ Hate America First folks much mind anymore.

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  6. Nope, ya can’t spin it back on me, Dishonest Dave. (You’re really not very good at this.) Everyone knows that it is the Left that abhors our military. Just look at how you guys treated our returning boys in uniform back when they were coming home from Vietnam. Same thing this time, only you filthy Libs have modified your tactics.
    The running scorekeeping of war dead is NOT to honor them. It IS to keep a cheap and disgusting hurt feelings tally of the cost of this war so as to reflect poorly on the target of your hatred –Bush. So stop lying, DD, no one is buying it and you’re just making yourself look even worse for your blatant dishonesty.

    Your god Slick Willie (until you threw him under the bus for your Black Candidate) was probably the most infamous draft dodger of all. As a matter of fact, his dodging made him our very first felonious president. You LibDems sure do pick some questionable heroes and leaders.

    And indeed there was a poll that asked Lefties if they wanted to see America “win” in Iraq. An overwhelming majority of your Hurt Feelings/ Hate America First folks responded that you did not want America to win. But you know this, DD, so once again you are caught lying.

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  8. No one needs a poll to tell us that the Military/America/Bush –hating Left wants us to lose anyway. And, yes, a majority LibDems polled said they didn’t want US to win –in other words, they want US to lose. That sure isn’t standing by one’s country and President.

    The running scorekeeping of war dead by the Angry Left is NOT to honor them. It IS to keep a cheap and disgusting hurt feelings tally of the cost of this war so as to reflect poorly on the target of your hatred –Bush- in hopes of undermining support for the war.

    a "loss" might lead to a quicker withdrawal.

    There it is! Yeah, just like this. Thanks for proving my point about the Left’s dishonest and despicable motives.

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  11. Nah, Dave, you admitted you want US to lose to just end the war at all cost. Once again I was able to draw you out and get you to reveal your true Lib Hurt Feelings motives. Just like I got you to admit that your man B. Hussein Obama is really nothing more to you that the Affirmative Action Black Candidate. You said so yourself. Lol… You’re easy.

    Still weeping about that silly “Mission Accomplished” banner, I see… for five years! Kinda petty and hurt feelings-y in the extreme, wouldn’t ya say? About when do you suppose we can expect you to finally get over that and let it go?

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  13. Is that some more of that "honesty" you always post, Dave? Lol...
