
Friday, April 11, 2008

Yon: The War is Being Won

Michael Yon has been covering the Iraq war more closely and longer than just about anyone. He says we are winning it.

Money Q:

As the outrages of Abu Ghraib faded in memory – and paled in comparison to al Qaeda's brutalities – and our soldiers under the Petraeus strategy got off their big bases and out of their tanks and deeper into the neighborhoods, American values began to win the war.

Iraqis came to respect American soldiers as warriors who would protect them from terror gangs. But Iraqis also discovered that these great warriors are even happier helping rebuild a clinic, school or a neighborhood. They learned that the American soldier is not only the most dangerous enemy in the world, but one of the best friends a neighborhood can have.

Read the whole thing.


  1. The poor Dems are gonna hate this.
    Gee, whose side are they on that they actually root for US to lose? Who would vote someone like that even more power?

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  3. Umm, our Founding Fighters were indeed pretty much all religious folks. And much of what they were fighting for was religious freedom. (I know how you godless Libs hate this but it’s true.) Our Founders were unquestionably Conservatives.

    And clearly this guy knows more about the present conflict than you, so your efforts to contradict him seem, well, rather silly and grasping.
    How many times have you been to Iraq, Dave?

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  5. Dianski,

    You're talking about combined reporting of dozens of journalists who haven't seen half the action on the ground, in the neighborhoods and under fire that Yon has seen.

    The bubble you're talking about is the Green Zone where most reporters have spent most of their time. Not Yon. Which makes him invaluable. He's been very critical of the war effort when it was being run stupidly. And honest to a fault. His photos and portraits of American soldier have an authenticity not approached by most journalists there.

    I know you won't read his stuff. Stick the HuffPo commentary on it. You'll feel better.

  6. “None are so blind as a Lib that will not see …and who will grasp at anything while clinging to their blind Libism.”

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  8. “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion,”

    Godless Libs have contorted this one sentence fragment into religious intolerance.

    “…or prohibiting the free exercise there of”

    Everyone seems to forget this part.

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  10. The free exercise thereof is in the privacy of your own home or church.

    Says who? You? I don’t remember seeing that in the rule book.
    You just make it up as you dishonestly go along with your religious intolerance, huh?

    Gay doesn’t belong is classrooms or in government either but you don’t seem to have a problem with that.

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