
Monday, May 19, 2008

It's All About Dem!

Mark Steyn on the ninny pity party.

Money Q:

"It says something for Democrat touchiness that the minute a guy makes a generalized observation about folks who appease terrorists and dictators the Dems assume: Hey, they’re talking about me. Actually, he wasn’t — or, to be more precise, he wasn’t talking only about you."

Read the whole thing.


  1. Lol! The appeasing enemy enabling cowards protest too much!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So what? He may as well been referring to any of you Surrender Donkey cowards.

    Bumper sticker: “STFU you Liberal p******, we’ll protect America!”

  4. jackass. what are you going to do in nov. there is not even a jackass to vote for. they are all democrats ,one calling himself a republican. your 15 minutes are up
