
Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Power of Women

WaPo's Ellen Malcolm uses a less than persuasive analogy in her column urging Hillary Clinton to stay in the race.

"When I was growing up in the 1960s, I wanted to play basketball. In those days, the rules said girls could dribble only three steps and then had to pass the ball. To make sure we didn't overexert ourselves, we weren't allowed to cross the half-court line. It's a wonder our fans (our mothers) could stay awake when a typical game's final score was 14-10...

"It's a tremendous tribute to women of my generation that we sucked it up and learned to compete in the toughest environments."

Despite the rule changes, women still can't compete in the toughest environments when it comes to basketball or almost any other sport.

Rules changes for women's basketball have allowed women to have more fun playing the game and that's good. It has made woman's basketball more exciting to watch and that's good. But it is still played at an inferior level when compared to men's and boys' basketball at every level.

While it is true women can now compete in the workplace on equal footing, fewer women rise to positions of power than men. Why is this?

I would argue that is not because women don't have the abilities or talents to lead but because the pull of family life and rearing children is stronger on women than it is on men. As a group, men are more competitive than women. They seek and enjoy competition more than women - AS A GROUP. I put that in capital letters because one can always point to individual women who are very driven and highly competitive.

The pool of competitive, highly-driven and talented men in fields that reward highly competitive people (politics, business and sports) is larger than than the pool of similarly talented woman.

That said, I believe Hillary Clinton has proven that she is tough enough, competitive enough, smart enough and driven enough to be President of United States. I personally, wouldn't vote for her, first and foremost, because I disagree with her policy positions and her likely Supreme Court nominees.

I also think, as a lot of Democrats think, she lies too much. As has been said before by prominent Democrats (David Geffen and Bob Kerrey) all politicians lie, but the Clintons are unusually good at it.

The historical examples of women who have risen to positions of political power and effectively wielded it, are legion (Queens Elizabeth and Victoria, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi, etc.) But men being men, they will seek power more and will be more ruthless in trying to get it.

It's not incidental that women have only risen to power in Democratic societies or in monarchies.

Men are more violent and are more willing to use violence to get what they want.

So while it is a tribute to American women on this Mother's Day that they have sucked it up learned to compete in the toughest environments, it is also a tribute to them that many of them have sacrificed career advancement and "power" to become mothers and do the lion's share of raising children.

Now, I have to make breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. While not as bad as the civil rights movement or the labor union movement, the women’s movement has also pushed too far beyond reasonable goals. Title IX is a perfect example of the absurdities that PC activism has caused under the auspice of creating “equality”. And they're openly sexist just as the bitter “civil rights” folks are openly racist today. Nothing “equal” about that. Yep, too far.
