
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ruminations and Ruinations

Today's print column is up. Penn Delco dead-enders get sillier, Haverford gets transgendered, and Newtown Square passes the town center to de Botton.


  1. I'm glad my kids don't go to that loony bin in Haverford. How in the heck are 9 year olds expected to deal with this insanity.

    Now remember kids don't pick on the little boy in the dress he/she’s perfectly normal. In fact let’s spend months of your time and thousands of tax dollars to explain just how normal he/she is.

    Why would the kids’ parents do this? Obviously he/she is already having issues, why subject an already troubled child to the spectacle. Wouldn’t counseling be more beneficial?

    I fear the parent’s political agenda is trumping the best interest of the child.

  2. Gil,

    It's a common misunderstanding that Claude De Botton is building a Town Center. He's Not. He is trying to build a lifestyle village.

    A Town Center includes the mixed-uses of retail, residential, and office space. Claude's lifestyle village does not.

    If Marville is built it will include a lot of Retail and a hotel. Thats it. They say that there will be a spiritual pavillion and a cultural center but anyone with a high school diploma knows they are only there so the hotel can have weddings.

  3. How about that Radical Liberal Editorial in the Daily Times today. The DT Libs used the opportunity to promote teaching the Gay Agenda in schools while taking a dishonest swipe at those who oppose such things that clearly do not belong in schools. Such Libs have replaced God with Gay in public schools. Educators need to stick to teaching kids to read and write and do math and leave their Liberal Indoctrination out of the class room. Good for the parents who have taken a stand against this Liberal hijacking of Education.

  4. Randal:

    The DT Editorial Board has sold us all out. It even took a shot at the "few" of us who do not buy into this homo agenda and transgenderism. It is all a lie, and is desinged, in accord with the homosexual agenda, to eliminate any gender reference which is needed for their "experiment" to work.

    It is disgusting, and I am proud to be one of many to oppose this indoctrination.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  5. It doesn’t even matter where one stands on such topics, this crap simply does not belong in public schools. And certainly not in Third Grade classrooms. Yet Libs have taken it upon themselves to decide what to brainwash their students with.

    How come whenever it’s school board election time we never hear of anyone asking the candidates where they stand on such underhanded Liberalizing of Education? I guess this is yet another dishonest omission by their fellow Libs in the local Press.

  6. Randal:

    That is why this Country is in BIG TROUBLE. We already have one complete generation that has been brainwashed, and now they are working on the next. When these third graders attain adulthood 2/3 of our population will have bought this crap hook line and sinker, and people like us will be imprisoned.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  7. Mr. Shields,
    Maybe before you OPEN your BIG MOUTH and put your FOOT in it you should research this problem. There are many transgender people living every day that you with your ignorance would never recognise. I also have relatives who are gay and have many gay friends and I can tell you I would say they are kinder and more loving and way more open minded than you. My therory is gays are born gay from the day of conception.There are many scientist trying to prove that very thing. Gays are no different than you or I except for their sexual preferrence they are after all humans and deserve to be treated so. Who are you to stand in judgement of anyone. Only God judges us. There are many gays in the community who are intelligent doctors , lawyers , archietects, artist etc. they excel in many areas in life. They are someones son, daughter, aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandchild so who are you to condemn them for their lifestyle. God accepts all of mankind unlike you who is a bigot. Maybe you need to look into the mirror and reflect on your own life before you condemn others.

  8. My therory is gays are born gay from the day of conception.There are many scientist trying to prove that very thing.

    This is precisely the sort of conclusion-targeted Lib “science” that makes such studies completely worthless. To have value all science must be open to wherever it may lead, not beholden and determined to reach a predetermined Lib conclusion.

    But maybe he’s right, Mr. S, and we’re bigots for judging anyone… criminals included. Lol… Libs are silly.

  9. Oh, and even if it’s all touchy-feely good, this crap still doesn’t belong in public schools.

  10. Anonymous:

    You are so brave for revealing who you are. To be clear, I am not judging anyone, nor do I condemn people who are transgendered or homosexual. Aside from the fact that gays are not born gay, as they would not procreate their gay gene and would ultimately die off, I would take my child out of that school if the school forced upon any of my children that cross dressing, homosexuality, transgenderism, or any other unnatural act is normal.

    This is all part of advancing the agenda which wants to eliminate any difference in gender. I am sorry that you don't see it, but perhaps I know more about this subject than you. New York City has eliminated gender differences and California recently did the same in all public accommodations, including public schools. So that means if a boy goes into a girls locker room, the girls can't cry out - "eek, there is a boy in here get out!" - because that would be discriminatory. This is really happening as I type this, and this is the consequence of these types of policies where you have to accept everything without any challenge.

    Lastly, grow a set and come out from hiding, and we can talk.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  12. Gil, congrats on being a cop hater. I still don't understand how police duties should have any tie-in to being school board president, but in some people's opinions, it's convenient for finger pointing. (Yes, some people can be rediculous with their assertions).

    As usual, Dave is pathetic, all those posts the other day were reminiscent of a crowd chasing down spencer with Diano wailing his one arm in a windmill and pointing the other arm towards Gil as if to say "He's right there, yeah, get him, get him!". What's even more humerous is that Dave was siding with those protecting the "Corrupt GOP-run Penn Delco Board" (Sorry, I'm from Media, I don't get into local issues until my buddy Frany Daly is involved).

    Anything just to attack those who disproved you on a daily basis, eh Diano? What would progressive patriot Joe Sestak do in this case?

    Does the Penn Delco School Board drink Fair trade Coffee?

  13. lol, mis-spell of the day - "rediculous".

    Will Spencerblog ever have spellcheck to save poor steve?

  14. Anything just to attack those who disproved you on a daily basis, eh Diano?

    Lol... That's Dave alright.
    And notice the level of hatred that oozes from his angry childish posts. That's very very Lib tolerant.

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  16. I fear the parent’s political agenda is trumping the best interest of the child.

    Indeed. And this is exactly what Dave would do if his kid were gay.
    Why is he so against some corrective therapy for gays? If his kid were an alcoholic wouldn’t he want to get him help for that problem too?

  17. How about the article in the DT today about the Third Street bridge/ Broomall dam?
    A Lib like Daly should not be in charge of this. Just look how long the bridge has been out under his “leadership”.
    And the story smells of Daly Lib conflict of interest. Just exactly what is his relationship with Broomalls?
    Besides, why should the town of Media be in the dam building business at all? They should just build a bridge over it for auto traffic to get that street reopened and let the owners of the lake and dam –Broomalls- pick up the tab for a new dam if they want one.

  18. randal,
    I haven't seen the article yet (I'll check it out tonight when I get home). Is there a link on

    i know previously he was passing the buck onto the state to complete this bridge (which has been out for as long as I remember)

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  20. I don’t know if there is a link to the story on the DT website, Steve. But the story is on page 10 in the paper.
    Yeah, Daly is still passing the buck. And the hold up seems to be that he thinks in order to open the road the town should repair someone’s private dam. The story makes clear that the dam is owned by Broomalls –and therefore should be their reasonability, not the town’s.
    Also, Daly lives right next door to the swim club and has for years. Which makes me wonder what his relationship is with them. And maybe he enjoys the reduced traffic on Third Street since the bridge has been closed. Kinda like living on a quiet cul-de-sac.
    I admit that other than suspicion I have nothing to back my assertions. But given the sneaky and underhanded way Daly has run that town for years, his inaction on this certainly merits suspicion.

    Sure, Dave, don’t you want to correct a problem when you see one? Despite your Lib attempts to normalize gayness in our society, there is nothing “normal” about it. No, they shouldn’t be hated or anything like that but neither should they be embraced and celebrated for their flaw. There’s a big difference between tolerance and celebration. Although Libs don’t seem to think so. Just as we shouldn’t and don’t celebrate someone’s alcoholism, we try to correct it.

  21. Edit: That should be, the dam should be Broomalls responsibility.

  22. Diano:

    You are a dope. Why don't you get a grip and realize that the only people that discredit my "theory" are libs like you who practice results oriented science. That is, you dream of the result and then "science" is "conveniently" used to say the result is accurate. Think global warming.

    When 2 boys having anal intercorse produce a baby I will be convinced, but until then, it is unnatural (this has been proven scientifically using real empirical data).

    I will never buy into the lib scientific method that mandates that if you say it enough (while also shouting down your opposition) that it must be true.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  23. I will never buy into the lib scientific method that mandates that if you say it enough (while also shouting down your opposition) that it must be true.

    That's about the depth of all Lib "arguments".

  24. I will never buy into the lib scientific method that mandates that if you say it enough (while also shouting down your opposition) that it must be true.

    This Lying Lib method of mass persuasion is classic Geobelism. (Sometimes also called Marxism)

    Hitler’s Propaganda Minister Joel Goebel was famous for telling his boss:
    “If you repeat a lie long enough the masses will accept it as the truth.”

    Modern Liberals have seized on this dishonest manipulation of perception and employ it on virtually every topic on which they want the skeptical masses to come around to seeing things their way after having failed to convince them honestly. It dovetails nicely with the Modern Liberal Mantra of “By any means necessary.” Any means, including outright lying and intentionally inflaming emotions.

    So indeed, along with their Socialist ways, Modern Liberals are much like Nazis of old.
    Libs are lying to you.

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  27. No, it’s you who are the convicted liar. Anyone familiar with your postings here well knows this. After all, this is why you earned the name Dishonest Dave.

  28. Puff Daddy Diano:

    I hae never once made any disparaging remark about blacks, minorities or women. In fact, my daughter dates a boy who happens to be very nice and also black, an I have a sincere love of women.

    As for my weak educational background, I was a major in history and I minored in chemistry as I thought about going into medicine. I also graduated from one of the top schools in the Country.

    That said, until you can show me that two men can use their penis' to penetrate each other in the anus and produce a child, your science is nothing other that indoctrination.

    I accept that you believe in this stuff, but I don't and science backs my position up, not yours.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  30. Dave seems to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about rumphumping. Ew.

    Are you sure there's nothing you want to share with us, Dave?

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  32. Peter Puffer Diano:

    There is no comparison between two guys butt humping each other and a man getting oral sex or giving oral sex to a woman. Perhaps oral sex between a man and a woman is sinful, it is still the display of the natural affections between a man and a woman.

    The Bible has already clearly stated that homosexuality is sin. Also, scientifically, gay men have far more health issues than straight men, including various anal diseases and the now famous disease of AIDS.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  33. And the pink sock! Don't forget about the pink sock!

