
Monday, May 5, 2008

The Town Center is DEAD!

It appears the Town Center in Newtown Square is DEAD.

After years of trying to get the more attractive Town Center approved, the developers are going ahead with the "by-right" plan, that will require no zoning changes, less open space and maybe a big box store or two.

I just opened this e-mail from BPG's John Forde:


I have been asked to relay this message to you all. Board of Supervisors Chairman Joe Catania confirmed to me that it is an accurate statement of the Board's position.

"The Board of Supervisors has indicated there is insufficient support for the
Ellis Town Center and as a result BPG will proceed with its development plans in
accordance with the present “by-right” zoning."

Therefore, the May 7th meeting is cancelled.


J. Forde

Your public servants at work. It will be fascinating to see the political fall-out from all this.

UPDATE: Especially when the residents figure out that the Board of Supervisors cost them $6 million in traffic improvements and and $2 million sewer hook-ups by not approving BPG's Town Center plan. They don't have to negotiate the "by-right" plan because HELLO! It's By-Right! So no traffic or sewer goodies for the township. Any of that will now have to come out of taxpayers pockets, not BPG's!


  1. I am sure some people see this as some sort of “victory” but there is nothing to celebrate here. Small town planners and obstructive NIMBY activists have gotten carried away, they’re mad with power. Just as shrill meddlers derailed the Franklin Mint Town Center project out in Middletown. Big boxes and more office parks, here we come…

  2. Amazing, absolutely amazing.

    Newtown Square's future has been hijacked by a crook and her maquereau Claude.

  3. It's a shame the people of Newtown Square just don't care. If they did, they'd show up at the next Supervisors meeting Monday night May 12 at 7:30pm and ask why. Why did the Supervisors turn down a Town Center 90% of the population wanted? The same population they were elected to serve. Why did "Trailer Park" Claude get special treatment?

  4. The Daily Times deserves part of the blame in Middletown for giving this Save Middletown fringe group their visibility and inflated sense of self-importance. The headlines and fawning articles over this alleged citizens group never critically analyzed their motives and agenda.
    Now after running a candidate who couldn't even muster 18% of the vote in the recent Special Election, these malcontents refuse to face up their own irrelevance in the community.
    The bottom line is that the biggest problem in the community -- traffic -- is being ignored over a zoning argument the vast majority of residents view as secondary. The unprecedented opportunity to leverage a developer for traffic relief, and get a very desirable town center development instead of offices, could be lost forever.

  5. Great post, PMR.
    Indeed what we are seeing is Liberalism favoritism on a small town scale. The Associated Lib Press often grants such undue ink and exposure to their favored fellow Lib groups. And just like the national newspapers, our local one grants favor to their small Lib activist groups buddies. Just like every time the Daily Times ran a story about the war they’d give the local radical anti-war peace activist whackos unwarranted exposure and space, creating a skewed picture of events. Lib helping Lib. Abuse of press freedom to influence the issue’s outcome.

    For “progressives” these obstructionist NIMBYs sure don’t seem to like progress.

  6. Thank you for your kind words.
    Take a minute to visit the website, and read the self-righteous blogs, particularly under "Franklin Mint" and "Politics".
    What's interesting and demonstrates the hypocrisy of this Save Middletown fringe group is that they censor, alter and delete opposing points of view on these blogs, so that they can maintain the delusion of community support.
    Middletown residents have made it abundantly clear that they want a full and open discussion of all options for the Franklin Mint property.
    But these malcontents have inexplicably endorsed the dreadful office by-right plan and now they're trying to hijack the process with their shrill negativity and hysteria.

  7. What's interesting and demonstrates the hypocrisy of this Save Middletown fringe group is that they censor, alter and delete opposing points of view on these blogs, so that they can maintain the delusion of community support.
    …these malcontents … they're trying to hijack the process with their shrill negativity and hysteria.

    Yep. This is the surest sign that these obstructionists are Liberals. (Well, that, and the fact that the houses with the shrill “NO CITY!” lawn signs are the same ones that now sport Obama signs and Kerry signs before that. They may as well emblazon their front doors with a Scarlet “L”.)
    Such dishonesty, injecting of emotion and attacking and silencing of their opposition have become hallmark method of implementation of Modern Liberalism. We see this underhanded tact in virtually every issue, from guns to the war to global warming to gay marriage to town center projects. And the Lib Press gives them undue exposure along with the unearned implication of validation that comes with it.

    Wake up, folks. Libs are lying to you. Again. And they're f-ing up your towns.

  8. LOL, Scarlet L... Brilliant!

    The Middletown Town Center proposal was a hard loss for the community. It would have brought a lot of good in terms of retail, entertainment, housing not to mention the benefits of relief from the fiasco at Route 1 and Route 452. The relief alone should have sold many.

  9. And they would have gotten their very own railroad spur! Thus alleviating the mess that is presently Elwyn Station.
    Besides, the Mint project just made sense. Other than that stupid mall, Middletown doesn’t anything resembling a town square or Main Street.

  10. Hey r this is a victory for Newtown Residents. Have you seen the lawsuit from bpg vs the supervisors? What a town center would entail. It's in Black and White. Why don't you read it. And if your still for a Town Center after reading that agreement, then you need psychiatric help or you don't live in Newtown Square. It's one or the other.

    Newtown square's future hijacked? Another out of towner or psycho. or maybe it's steven

  11. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. It's like Pavlov's dog. Just mention their shrill negativity and hysteria and like magic they slobber all over the keyboard.
    If you really want to see the Save Middletown fringe group get themselves in a lather, just question their glorious leaders, Ambitious Ierardi (A.I.) or St. John of Laskas.
    I bet you will see faster censorship than the 7 second delay on WIP Sportstalk.
    Actually, I've been elevated to a special place in the malcontent pantheon. My IP address has been both banned and broadcast by these alleged citizen/activists, part of their lame attempts at intimidation and silencing reasonable opposition.
    All because I dare express support for our duly-elected township officials, and vigorous and open public debate.
    Maybe I need to get Shields, Esq. to defend my right of free speech.

  14. Anonymous 10:42,

    What about the agreement is so bad?

  15. It's like Pavlov's dog. Just mention their shrill negativity and hysteria and like magic they slobber all over the keyboard.

    Yep. More Libs.

    If you really want to see the Save Middletown fringe group get themselves in a lather, just question their glorious leaders, Ambitious Ierardi (A.I.) or St. John of Laskas.
    I bet you will see faster censorship than the 7 second delay on WIP Sportstalk.
    Actually, I've been elevated to a special place in the malcontent pantheon. My IP address has been both banned and broadcast by these alleged citizen/activists, part of their lame attempts at intimidation and silencing reasonable opposition.
    All because I dare express support for our duly-elected township officials, and vigorous and open public debate.

    I'll bet their lying Lib heads would explode if they got a load of me! Lol... I may have to pay them a visit.

  16. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!

    Who else enjoys the tasty pyridoxine irony in this? Lol…

  17. Mr. Spencer,

    Mike gillin, who is the GOP boss of Newtown is for the Ellis Preserve Town Center.
    But you stated that Gop contributer Claude Debotton is laughing all the way to the bank.

    I guess you just write what you feel for that given moment.

    What about that Demitros from Newtown Pizza you wrote about several months ago? I walked in there one day, and there were 3 people signing his petition against the Ellis Preserve Town Center. After speaking with him he showed me 8 pages with 50 names each of names of people against this Town Center on the Ellis school. I told him i was against it and i would sign his petition. He asked me for ID and proof of my residency.
    This guy is good.
    So I don't understand your logic Mr. Spencer of How the other developer has swayed the politicians of Newtown Square through his GOP contributions when the GOP leader is against him.

    I am for a Town Center in Newtown Square on the Ellis Preserve.
    I think you, Mr. Spencer have actually hurt the developer rather than helped them.

    I'm still scratching my head.

