
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An Ayers-Obama Cover-up?

It appears that Obama's claim that his connections to his neighbor and former Weather Underground terrorist, Bill Ayers, are not as tenuous as he and his campaign have suggested.

When does a spin operation turn into a cover-up operation? Maybe when a university library blocks access to information that might be embarrassing to a presidential candidate.


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  2. So let's see - Obama has been misrepresenting his relationship with Ayers to the press and now someone is blocking access to the records detailing the workings of the group founded by Ayers and chaired by Obama. In another world the press would smell a cover-up. In this one? My guess has been that the mainstream press will remain in the tank for Obama rather than risk annoying their remaining readers by appearing to be pawns of the right-wing attack machine.

    But the Lib Media, so determined to see their chosen Affirmative Action Candidate inserted into the Oval Office has no problem with being cover-up pawns for Obama even if he is a closet terrorist. If this were McCain they’d be screaming about open records and Right to Know…

    Wake up, folks, Obama is a scary unknown and the Liberal Media is lying to you about it. While amateur blind partisan lackeys attempt to dismiss this as meaningless on blog boards.

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  4. No, pretty much to everyone. And the more he is examined the more disturbing things that come out about him. But you blindly dissmiss it all in defending him.

    At this point there is NOTHING Obama could say or do that would cause you to abandon your support of him. That's some pretty sick emotional investment and blind apologist partisanship, Dishonest Dave! Not objective at all.

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  6. See. That's hardly an objective or respectable blind partisan apologist view ya got there, DDD.
    So don't fault others who may not share your warped views, mkay.

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  8. In all seriousness, Obama could literally stand up and declare, “Enough! It is true, I am a militant black racist and a closet Muslim bent on helping my brothas bring down America. Down with whitey! Down with America! Vote for change!” and you would still viciously blindly defend him and vote for him.

    (Of course, setting aside for the moment that those words reflect your Racial Apologist stance as well as your anti-America attitudes. Lol… Man, you White Guilt-ridden Apologist Hate America First Commie Libs make it tough to even draw a hypothetical here! Lol… )

  9. Randal:

    Don't you get it, Diano is so partisan that he cannot even acknowledge any opposition to his extreme left wing agenda and his old and tired democratic talking points.


  10. Right, Mr. S. I can honestly say that I don’t recall ever seeing Dishonest Dave think critically for himself. At least it has not been reflected in his predictable Radical Lib posts here.

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  12. Those two issue determine your entire choice in a candidate.

    Even if this were true, that still would be better than your Lib lemming blind partisanship, DDD. Most thinking people know how they feel about issues and decide whom to vote for from there. This, as opposed to you who puts your emotional Idiot Lib cart ahead of your Idiot Lib horse by blindly adopting your party’s prescribed planks.

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  14. My, Lib lemmings get testy when you point out their displayed blind partisanship. Lol…
    Stop lying, DDD, you’re not fooling anyone. You dishonest and emotional Libs always follow your feelings and then set about justifying those preconceived feelings.

    You backed B. Hussein Obama before you even knew his position on issues… because he is black and the Apologist Lib in you couldn’t resist that. Now suddenly it’s all about his policy positions. Lol…

  15. The mainstream Lib Media has finally picked up this story ...however late and lame their coverage. But at least Liar Obama can't make it disappear now like he had hoped. The best he can hope for now is his blind defenders downplay it for him by attacking those who make noise about it, while waiting for his protectionists in the Lib Media to have everyone forget about it by November, just as they have done for him concerning that damning Reverend Wright topic which would have crippled a white's campaign due to the calculated never-ending rehashing of it.

  16. Dopey Diano:

    You forgot about guns. I love guns and anyone who owns guns - the more the merrier!

    Bottom line with you is that it is your way or no way. When I say your way, I am talking about the lib way.

    I believe in Constitutional rights, period, and not the made up types either.


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  18. Diano:

    What are you talking about? I would pick any conservative as they are, for the most part, pro life and pro gun. That is what true conservatives believe in.

    As for the rest of your rantings, my belief and interpretaion of the Constitution is hardly radical. For instance, I believe in free speech, even speech that people find offensive (the Constitution says that); I believe in the individual right to keep and bear arms (The Constitution says that too); and I do not believe in the Constitutional right to an abortion (the Constitution says nothing about killing the unborn).
    I also do not think that homosexuality is normal, and that it should not be taught to our children as a normal alternative to heterosexual sex.

    I am such a radical!


  19. For a radical you sure sound more reasonable than Dishonest Dave.

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  21. Mere tolerance is not what the Libs advancing the Gay Agenda are teaching.

    For Dave, Obama’s trump card is that he’s black.
    So I’d have to say that Mr. S’s reasons for voting for someone are better than that.

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  23. I have to agree with pcp on this one. Also, Ayers was a Co founder of the "Weatherman", a 60's terrorist group, hell bent on turning America into a Communist nation.

    Weatherman ideology
    Main article: Weatherman (organization)
    The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) within the SDS, splitting from the RYM's Maoists by claiming there was no time to build a vanguard party and that revolutionary war against the United States government and the capitalist system should begin immediately. Their founding document called for the establishment of a "white fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other "anti-colonial" movements[11] to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world communism."

    If Obama becomes President you will see the start of a civil war. you will also see Obama supporters suddenly believe they are "empowered". Well they are in for a rude awakening.


  24. That’s a lie, Dishonest Dave. The Gay Agenda being advanced these days is NOT just about tolerance and you well know it. Sure, that’s how it started but true to its Modern Liberal ways they have pushed too far. They have moved from advocating tolerance into demanding special “rights” and protections, celebration, promoting the gay lifestyle as just another perfectly normal lifestyle choice to young school children as they have worked to replace God with Gay in schools… on and on. That all goes well beyond mere tolerance, ya liar.

    Just once –just ONCE- I’d like to see you bring some intellectual honesty in one of your posts, DDD. If you have to lie in order to sell your product, it is well time to reexamine that defective product.

  25. And the angry gay activists are some bitter nasty fruits, much worse even than those who oppose them. Such arrogance is hardly worthy of our sympathy or respect.

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  27. As expected. Point for me.

    Oh, and those gay parades and floats –extremist public displays of perversion- are they just to promote tolerance?
