
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Buffett on Edwards: Sue 'Em!

Obama-supporter and billionaire Warren Buffett suggests a class-action lawsuit against John Edwards for soliciting and getting campaign contributions under false pretenses.

After all, he lied when he said the National Enquirer story about his affair with Rielle Hunter was a lie and continued to solicit campaign funds under that deception.

Those contributions ought to be returned, says Buffett.

The class-action process is already out of control and abusive enough as it is. But it would be fun to see a creepy plaintiff's lawyer and phony like Edwards dragged in court by the supporters he suckered into donating to him.

And once politicians started being sued for lying to the public, we might see some real tort reform.


  1. it would be fun to see a creepy plaintiff's lawyer and phony like Edwards dragged in court by the supporters he suckered into donating to him.

    And once politicians started being sued for lying to the public, we might see some real tort reform.

    Yes it would! Love it!

  2. The Lying Lib Media did its best to protect Edwards but in the end they could not. Some of us knew Liar John was a scumbag all along. But the Daves defended him as a man of integrity anyway and only abandoned him once the proof of our charges was no longer concealable or deniable.
