
Friday, August 8, 2008

The Energy Debate

Krauthhammer vs. Krugman on energy.

Is Krauthammer being stupid? Or is Krugman being an arrogant, supercilious twit? You be the judge.


  1. the insistence that there are simple, brute-force, instant-gratification answers to every problem Doesn't that sound a lot like Windfall Profits taxes? You know, the types that will bite us in the ass?

    Krugman seems to waste his time bantering about the GOP in the past, comments on Bush and other nonsense, without clearly stating why drilling is the wrong action (Kinda like Obama). In fact, I'm waiting for a Democrat to properly explain how drilling is the wrong action to take especially when there are no clear signs of electric cars coming close to mass-production.

    I guess we're supposed to keep our thumbs in our rears for another decade and keep best hopes for electric cars.

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  3. And the Libs' slogan should be "Shrill here. Shrill now".

    Notice the bitter anger and dishonesty in Krugman's piece vs. Kraphammer's reason. Typical.

    effeminate and weak

    Yep. That would be the Libs.

  4. again, diano, I have no faith in the energy department to begin with. After all, look at the present mess we're in thanks to 30+ years of incompetence and poor planning.

    We have to drill, there's little reason to debate against it. Our economy and stability call for it. "Just wait" is not the answer, because we'll "just wait" ourselves into a collapse.

    I'd rather drill to prepare ourselves for an unsure future than wait and see ourselves remortgaging our homes for gas as Ed Begley JR goes on Larry King constantly talking about Electric Cars.

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  6. Oh, just stop, DDD. You're grasping and cheap shotting anything and everything GOP in sight just to take the focus off your obstructionist LibDems.

  7. I think it's funny DD thinks oil speculators have a huge effect on the price as of now, yet doesn't see how the possibility of new oil sources decreasing speculators involvement in the futures market wouldn't be seen in tomorrows market. If speculators have such an effect (as you've stated), wouldn't them pulling out of higher future prices (remember that's what they do) show a decrease in todays market price? Oh wait, it would.

    Then again DD, your "science" for global warming is no better than your "science" against drilling. Remember how we couldn't see gains in 10 years times and I showed you how gains improved by 600+% in less than that. Yeah, wrong again.

    And DD, it's good to be back. You'll be meeting my friend soon! Remember our bet, yeah, we actually had a legally binding agreement and you'll be lawyer'ing up pretty darn soon to fight it.

  8. jonas, I haven't seen any solution from the left that doesn't involve sitting and waiting for electric cars. I keep hearing about solar and wind energy - however, they do not translate to gas in the tank now and won't do so until that mythical electric car becomes mainstream. Common sense says let the market dictate what takes the lead. I don't think oil's going to be the winner, either. I need to replace my truck and I'm holding onto it hoping something new hits the market...

  9. With gas prices down and the war over and signs that the economy may have bottomed out, what in the world are the LibDems going to use as a wedge to divide in order to win in November?
    Poor LibDems, no big problems to blame on Bush and America...

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  11. Steve,

    You're right on. What are we going to do when that "magical" electric car hits the street? Do we suddenly trash all our cars of today? Isn't that the opposite of "green?" What about all these batteries we'll be using in these new cars. Aren't batteries very "ungreen?" Now if my double As cause Al Gore issues, what is he going to do with batteries 50 times larger going into the ground every day? How do the poor pay for these new vehicles when they still have debt on their current vehicles? We all know a Prius isn't worth 30k with the options it has; but that's the price. How do you get someone into one who can only afford a 15k Hyundai?

    There's only so many tax dollars that can go around. Even Obama, in his infinite wisdom, doesn't understand SS tax is only on earned wages; not dividends, etc. So great, tax my earnings over 250k at the SS rate so some illegal can receive the same SS payments when retired as me. I (and every other exec) will just take every penny over 250k as dividend income. WOW, I just bypassed his crappy tax law with about a minute of critical thinking. His plans are so amazing; instead of the normal 30 seconds to prove them pointless, it takes 30 more.

    It's all just political gimmicks. It's like the people writing into the sound off saying Global Warming is a truth because of An Inconvenient Truth. A better title would have been, Inconvenient Lies to Persuade the Uneducated.

    I'm sure DD will have issues with these comments so I'll wait for his post. I'm sure it'll come around 10am when most people are working. But we all know his company doesn't make any money so he sits on the web waiting for a chance to post comments about how horrible people he doesn't even know are in real life.

  12. It's all just political gimmicks. It's like the people writing into the sound off saying Global Warming is a truth because of An Inconvenient Truth. A better title would have been, Inconvenient Lies to Persuade the Uneducated.

    Yep. The Left always speaks to the impressionable idiots because, unfortunately, they vote too.

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  14. DD,

    It's not worth my time even responding to what you say. Please refrain from posting against my comments in the future. Thanks!

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  16. Jonas-
    Please refrain from posting such ignorant tripe in the future, so I won't have to.

    Yeah, J, let Dave continue to be our resident ignorant tripe poster! That his job!


    (Meh, sometimes it's just fun to stoop to the childish Lib level. Only, when they do it they think they're really "debating" and winning. Lol...)

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  18. Thank you, George Bush!

    What? If we can blame mean old Bushie when oil/gas prices go up, then so too we should give him credit when they fall, right?
    Oh, and also thank you, W, for not making any really bad hurricanes yet this season. You da man!


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  20. See R, DD's too stupid to see the fact that we actually haven't started offshore drilling so why would that effect the market? Only actual players in the market effect the market. A debate over an issue doesn't effect the market until that debate gets real close to being true (say Pelosi allowing a vote).

    As long as Pelosi blocks any attempt at a vote, I'll keep buying futures. There's no risk of more supply by drilling until that first drill puts a centimeter hole in the earth.

    DD's too dumb for that. That's why I'm in the Triple 9 society DD. Maybe when you get your IQ up you can join too!

  21. See R, DD's too stupid to see the fact that we actually haven't started offshore drilling so why would that effect the market? Only actual players in the market effect the market. A debate over an issue doesn't effect the market until that debate gets real close to being true (say Pelosi allowing a vote).

    As long as Pelosi blocks any attempt at a vote, I'll keep buying futures. There's no risk of more supply by drilling until that first drill puts a centimeter hole in the earth.

    DD's too dumb for that. That's why I'm in the Triple 9 society DD. Maybe when you get your IQ up you can join too!

  22. Give it up, DDD. Everyone here knows you're only against drilling because Bush is for it and you'll childishly oppose anything he promotes. Your stance will change the moment your party's stance does. Then suddenly you will become a drilling advocate blaming Bush for not drilling sooner.
    Lying Lib blind partisan Bush-hater hypocrites are easy to read... because they're so simple, shallow and predictable ...because they are driven by their feelings...

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