
Friday, August 22, 2008

God Speed, David Petraeus

Gen. David Petraeus leaves Iraq in much better shape than he found it. He now goes on to central command to conduct the larger war against Islamic jihadism.

Under his command al Qaida in Iraq has been decimated, the surge worked, and the stage has been set for Iraqi political reconciliation.

His critics on the left have done everything they could to diminish his accomplishments and even question his patriotism. Moveon.orggers once famously asked in a full-page ad if Petraeus had "Betrayed us?" In so doing, they revealed themselves for who and what they are.

Petraeus has proven what he is; a brilliant general and an American hero.


  1. Petraeus has proven what he is; a brilliant general and an American hero.

    And this is why the LibDems hate him. They were so emotionally and politically invested in our losing the war that they went full-blown treason and actually rooted against America. And they still refuse to admit that Bush's troop surge worked as planned ...while calling for a surge in Afghan...

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  3. DDD still weeping about minor hair splitting and refusing to give Bush any credit… and still he refuses to acknowledge that the surge worked as planned...

    Nothing new here. Moving along…

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  5. Oh stop, ya liar.

    All along W has maintained that any time tables would be dictated by conditions on the ground. To this he has held steadfast and consistent. And now those improved conditions would permit the start of troop withdraws. Pretty simple. And this, thanks to his surge strategy that you liars refuse to admit worked.
    Only now you dishonest Obamers are trying to twist this into somehow him bending to Obama’s call for retreat, when nothing could be further from the truth.

  6. Gil, might as well ignore diano on this one - only out to sully any kind of progress in Iraq. Petraeus, as I stated before, entered a very tough situation - an unpopular war, mismanaged by his commander-in-chief and secretary of defense, and has found a way to bring some stability to Iraq. Choose your side of the war as we do, but we should all give this guy his due, he's done a fine job that should be remembered.

    Since he's a fine problem-solver, maybe we should send him to our borders - they've been porous for years.

  7. It is one thing to be against a war but it is something quite else to turn against one’s own country and deny progress and actually wish for defeat due to the political ramifications. Libs like Dave are some sick treasonous F’s.
    They should have been rounded up and put in internment camps until this is all over.

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  9. Well, DDD, that sounds a whole lot more reasonable and, dare I say, honest-er. But I still disagree with your assessment (keeping in mind that you have been cheering for U.S. defeat in Iraq all along.) Again, the only reason the Iraqis have called for a U.S. pullout is because conditions have improved to the point that they can start to handle things themselves …in large part thanks to the surge creating that atmosphere.

    And (keeping in mind that you were of the Petraeus/Betray crowd) just because Petraeus didn’t sing the defeatist doom & gloom you anti-war Libs wanted to hear, does not mean he was sugar coating. And it turns out his assessments were right on.
