
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama: Not His Brother's Keeper

This doesn't look good for Obama.

Money Q:

Barack Obama, in a discussion with evangelist Rick Warren about his Christian faith, said he had been guilty of a “fundamental selfishness” that had contributed to regrettable youthful behavior.

Then he confessed for the rest of us.

“Americans’ greatest moral failure in my lifetime,” he said, “has been that we still don’t abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.”

Now, it turns out his own brother, is living in a hut on a dollar a month in Kenya.

Does Obama think the American voting public is going to appreciate being accused (inaccurately) of selfishness by a man who allows his own brother to live in such poverty?

They say charity begins at home? Not for the Obama family.


  1. lol, can't wait for diano's reponse to this one, becasue I think we may be in agreement. There are plenty of things to go after obama about, but giving him full responsibility to a half-brother by a father who was barely in his life isn't one of them.

  2. Steve,

    It isn't that he doesn't take care of his brother, it's that he would lecture his fellow Americans about our selfishness (inaccurately) in not living up to scripture and our moral responsibilities.

    Kinda like Johnny-boy Edwards lecturing Clinton on his moral failings as a husband, if you see what we mean.

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  4. his own brother, is living in a hut on a dollar a month in Kenya.


    Socialist Lib like Obama are hypocrites and they will never be satisfied with the level of charity our generous country gives the truly needy –more so than anyone else in the world. They have to keep the baseless scoldings going, their extortion and wealth spreading depend on public guilt. And we all know how Libs trade in manipulating guilt.
    Just like how they keep the tired civil rights era calls for invented “justice” –like economic justice, whatever that is- in order to keep the racial extortion alive.

  5. On the flip side, Spencer should give equal time to this story.

    Seems McCain's wife has a half-sister she doesn't acknowledge. While she's not as destitute as Obama's half brother, there's a similiar angle here that deserves a look.

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  7. “No primitive family members to see here, folks. Move along.”

    Why do you guys try to hide this about Mr. Change?

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  9. look, spinzo just played volleyball!!! on a post that wasn't worth spinning!!!

    Anyone need further proof of his blind allegience? Do you think he has a picture of Carter tattooed to his chest from '76?

  10. But only when he becomes president. Until then, he's got more important things to do, like lecture his fellow Americans about THEIR selfishness.

    As for the "millions" of Americans who are "living in poverty," poverty is, obviously, a relative term.

    According to the U.S. Census bureau there are 37 million people in this country living below the poverty level.

    The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau, of these poverty stricken people:

    46 percent of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

    80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

    Only six percent of poor households are overcrowded; two thirds have more than two rooms per person.

    The typical poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

    Nearly three quarters of poor households own a car; 31 percent own two or more cars.

    97 percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

    78 percent have a VCR or DVD player.

    62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

    89 percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and a more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.

    Obama's brother lives in a tiny hut and claims to live on a dollar a month. Now that's poverty!

  11. gil, I understand the facts and figures, but let me ask a more interesting question - could poverty be reduced if we weren't so open to globalization? What if those manufacturing/blue collar jobs were still in America, where do you believe we would be?

    I guess I've alywas been on the fence about globalization.

  12. The short answer to your question is NO!

    Global trade does lift all boats.

    What keeps the vast majority of people in poverty in this world are dictatorial regimes that oppress and starve their own people as a means of retaining power.

    In this country, poverty (real poverty) isn't systemic. It's mostly behavioral and localized.

  13. i meant more locally. I believe it is due to globalization, we lose jobs, work goes overseas. Flint, MI is too easy an example, even if it was the former home of everyone's famous slob Michael Moore.

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  15. Those sure are some startling stats for our "poor". Hard to generate much Lib engineered sympathy with holdings like that. Clearly ‘poor’ is indeed relative ...and Obama relatives are.

    Americans are a bunch of whiners.

    "America: Where our 'poor' are fat."

  16. "How's Obama being "selfish"?"

    He's not accused of being selfish. He's accused of being a hypocrite.

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  18. No confusion.

    Obama quotes scripture about looking out for our "brothers" and it turns out his own brother lives in a hut in Africa, ashamed, on a dollar a day.

    Spencerblog understands it's hard for Obama worshippers to see any fault in their hero, their savior, but as James Carville might explain...

    "It's the hypocrisy, stupid!

  19. gil, be nice. Remember, those on the far left live in their own fantasy world where their candidates walk on water, abort the innocents, and whose waste doth not stink.

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  21. Diano - "Present" - what a qualification! I feel the "change" and "hope" eminating through my soul! Can he vote "present" as president?

    The 90's were good to us, we had a president who, while I didn't always agree with, was more of a moderate and served the county well. We paid the price in the last 8 years with a political extremist, we'll pay further with another in 2009 - in fact, we may go into a 'shock' period (from one extreme to the other?)

    This is why we need a McCain - he's by far the best example of a moderate since Clinton, and knows how to work with both sides. After 8 years of an extremist, I'm dying to have balance.

  22. McCain "I don't know how many houses I have" a moderate?

    You gotta be kidding. A man who thinks you need 5 million dollars before you leave middle class territory.

    He was for abortion before he was against it.

    He was against Bush's tax cuts, now he wants them.

    He's flipped on more issues better than those Olympic trampoline participants.

    And Spencer conveniently ignores McCain's flaws because he let his blog become a 24/7 Obama bash fest, objectivity be damned because he never had any as a journalist to begin with.

  23. rather have a moderate than another extremist, roy. any day of the week.

    I'm ok with McCain on abortion - his interview last week was direct and consice, no PR/PC talk in his statements.

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  25. Diano - "Present" - what a qualification! I feel the "change" and "hope" eminating through my soul! Can he vote "present" as president?

    LOL! Funny AND about as deep as what the Obama apologists bring here as serious arguments!

  26. diano, I prefer a moderate (and historically independent) McCain over an uber-liberal any day of the week.

    Remember in '04 where the left was bazzung about a possible Kerry-McCain ticket? My has the media flipped this one!

  27. It’s not all the Lib Media’s doing, S. The Extreme Far Left which controls the Dem Party now, smelling a chance to regain power AND insert their Affirmative Action Candidate, have turned against everyone in that blind pursuit.
    They used to love McCain and heralded him as a “maverick” and a “Moderate”, now they viciously HATE him for no good reason and their entire campaign is centered on vilifying him and painting him as Bush 2. They even turned against their own party gods, the Willies, throwing them under the bus for their chosen Black Candidate. Not much loyalty on the Left, not when they smell an Affirmative Action victory anyway. They have even turned against their own country during wartime just for the potential political advantage doing so in an unpopular war would give them.
    Think: If that radical moron Dave Diano ran the LibDem Party. Sure, he’s a nobody but his ugly nutty words here truly represent well the kooky level of hatred of the Angry, power thirsty, Extreme Left now.
    This all is why the LibDems have repelled a number of their longtime supporters in recent times and now depend on new blood (the young and uninformed, fresh from the Lib indoctrination of Higher Edu) and bitter minorities to carry them.
    This is what happens when radicals are permitted power.

  28. remember the republican debates where romney and mccain were trading barbs saying that the other was too liberal to take the nomination? It's insane - too fascinating that they would paint him as Bush #2. I would have never figured it in John McCain.

  29. Anger and dishonesty are the LibDems’ capital trade anymore.
    Not much “change” or “unity” in that.

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  31. Don’t you worry about McCain’s backers, DDD. They well know what the alternative holds.

    Voter Registration is going Obama's way.

    Uh, yeah. That would be why I posted this truism:

    the LibDems have repelled a number of their longtime supporters in recent times and now depend on new blood (the young and uninformed, fresh from the Lib indoctrination of Higher Edu) and bitter minorities to carry them.

  32. Did you notice how McCain goes into full denial mode about that he considered a Kerry-McCain ticket? The ultra-conservatives don't trust him and are not going to bust-their-asses getting him elected, because they don't believe he is one of them. That he is willing even consider a pro-Choice VP like Ridge or Lieberman reinforces their concerns.

    Yes, I see it clearly, and I love it! McCain is not in step with the GOP, he's not their anointed one (I believe Romney was, maybe a nod to Huckabee if he somehow won nomination). He's trying to appeal to the right BECAUSE HE HAS TO, HE NEEDS VOTES!!!

    I haven't studied campaigns, honestly, because I haven't been a part of one since (lol) John Fox in the 90s - maybe they're not in my interests. I do know that the DNC sends their teenagers into center city every four years to register people to vote while wearing the buttons of their nominee. I saw them for Gore in 2000, I saw them for Kerry in 2004, and I see them out there for Obama.

    Speaking fo 2012 - I've heard it the other way. Hillary making nice becasue she may want to try again in four years. It works both ways.

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  34. Man, how could Obama be trusted to care for the needy in this country if he doesn’t even give a s*** about his very own brother? Isn’t his African Granny living in primitive mud poverty too? Jeez…

  35. Diano - permanent conspiracy theorist. Once again - his kool-aid dispensing Democratic candidate is a political saint (Shame Spencerblog wasn't around in 2004 to see the massive hype diano would have put out for Kerry), while ANYONE the GOP puts out is at fault and is corrupt and would sell his soul for (Insert whatever diano's in the mood to state).

    You, Sir, are ridiculous, and once again, you couldn't be any more of a democratic backer - the more dangerously liberal, the better!
