Usually, it's the last ones to leave who are asked to turn out the lights. But in this case... NOT!
Some people are saying Nancy Pelosi didn't want Republican complaints about her party's inaction on oil drilling and gas prices heard by reporters and the people who watch C-Span, or anyone else for that matter..
But more likely she was just trying to save energy and, you know, the planet!
UPDATE: Meanwhile, Obama can read a poll. Candidate Shifty.
Democrats of stifling dissent
ReplyDeleteYep. Filthy obstructionist LibDonkeys want to keep their obstruction quiet.
What a sad role model for females and Democrats. Contrast Pelosi with Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, who may well be the Vice-Presidential pick of John McCain. If McCain picks Palin, it is over. If she were the governor of any other state than Alaska (and maybe Hawaii) she would be talked about as presidential material. The energy surrounding her makes Obama look like a D-list celebrity. Gil, spend just a small amount of time researching her and tell me that she isn't just what we need a national leader for all Americans.
ReplyDeleteA juvenile tactic done by our "elected" reps who act as if they get paid by the hour from the oil companies.
ReplyDeleteYou do know McCain's contributions from big oil increased after he flipped on off shore drilling, right?
"Juvenile"? Maybe.
ReplyDeleteBut the Dems blocking even discussion of the topic... what would you call that?
How about Obama's flop yesterday?
Yep, he'll say anything to get elected. Not much "change" there.
Watch now as Dems claim to be proponents of drilling after having obstructed it for so long.
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ReplyDeleteBy the time Obama is President, he can shut it all down
ReplyDeleteWith this you are saying that it’s ok for Obama to say whatever he needs to now in order to get elected, to just lie now and simply flip on his position once again later. There’s them quality LibDem politics of “change” again.
Just stop, Dishonest Dave. I think everyone here knows that a blind partisan dope like will flop to viciously defending drilling as a great idea were the party line to change to that stance. You’d hope everyone forgot how you had vehemently opposed the idea prior. This is what dishonest people like you with no character or integrity or ability to think for yourself do.
"This is what dishonest people like you with no character or integrity or ability to think for yourself do."
ReplyDeleteAn oxymoron coming from Randal.
I do hope your parents stopped conceiving after you were born.
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ReplyDeleteNo, DDD, you essentially said that it doesn’t matter what Obama says now, that he can just go back on his word later.
ReplyDeletePanic and pandering are not qualities we need during a problem.
You mean like all that shrill doom & gloom of global sky falling?! Hahaha…
Obama's plans will reduce our energy dependence to the point where we won't need to drill offshore
Obama doesn’t have a plan. He must be a magician too! Here's what McCain accurately said:
The GOP candidate said Obama doesn't have a plan equal to the nation's energy challenges.
The new environmental laws that will go into effect under his presidency will reduce the use of fossil fuels and make offshore drilling unattractive and prohibitive.
There’s that Modern Libism advocating obstruction via ridiculous and oppressive, abusive legislation.
“By any means necessary”, eh DDD.
My answer to this "oil dilemma" is to regulate the price that these whores can charge for a gallon of gas. It worked for the electric companies but next year your electric bills may increase 200 percent, thanks to deregulation.
ReplyDeleteregulate the price that these whores can charge for a gallon of gas.
ReplyDeleteWe already do that. Gasoline is already the most regulated and the most taxed consumer product. The taxes on a gallon of gas are several times the profit of the companies that make the product! Welcome to Socialism.