
Friday, August 15, 2008

Terrorist Hit Squads Being Trained in Iran?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Iraqi Shiite assassination teams are being trained in at least four locations in Iran by Tehran's elite Quds force and Lebanese Hezbollah and are planning to return to Iraq in the next few months to kill specific Iraqi officials as well as U.S. and Iraqi troops, according to intelligence gleaned from captured militia fighters and other sources in Iraq.

That doesn't sound good.

Democrats will probably demand an investigation into how the information was "gleaned."


  1. The high price of improved relations between the Shiite based Iraqi government and the government of Iran. Easy pass.

  2. Considering the admitedly bad intel they used to get us into Iraq, wouldn't it be wise for SOMEONE to ask where this information came from? You'd have a problem with this?

  3. Iran is not Iraq.

    Childish Lib ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ disbelief. A children’s nursery fable is hardly sound basis for policy, particularly something as important as foreign and war policy.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Always with the anti-America guilt, eh DDD. Somehow it's always our fault.

  6. Dave
    You forgot to mention the millions of cluster bombs secreted into Iraq that killed children soldiers.
    Or the U.S./ Great Britain overthrow of the democratic government of Iran in 1953. The Gil's and the RR's put on blinders when facts and history come into play.

    Are you going INSANE? The administration admitted to faulty intel in the runup to the Iraq war, and now you have a problem with someone questioning these new claims about Iran? Get real!

  7. Robert,

    The throwaway line: "Democrats will probably demand an investigation into how the information was 'gleaned...'" referred to the penchant of some liberals to assume or suspect someone was tortured to get it.

    You sound more worried that the claims wouldn't be questioned than that they may well be true. But then, you are a Democrat aren't you?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Gil

    The throwaway line didn't read that way to me. Tortured confessions didnt get us into Iraq. The throwaway line brought up thoughts of Curveball and Chalabi.

    Is there a reason why there was no link to the story that you quote? Also, I'm not a Democrat, I'm an Independant. I changed party affiliation after cowardly Dems caved into Bush's need to invade and occupy Iraq, because they were afraid of looking unpatriotic.

  10. Spencerblog apologizes for the false accusation, which is more than you did Robert.

    Unconventional Dave - like those "questions" raised by people like Ward "Little Eichmans" Churchill and Cynthia McKinney?

    The hard left isn't "raising questions," it asserts, condemns and accuses. Don't you read your own posts?

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  12. Gil

    You said "Spencerblog apologizes for the false accusation, which is more than you did Robert." Whats the "which is more than you did" part? Did I make a false accusation? Do I owe you an apology for something?

  13. Gil

    You're a writer. So, here's the throwaway question- is "Gil, are you going INSANE?" a question or an accusation? Sounds like a question to me. Nevertheless, in the spirit of detente, I apologize if you were offended.

    So back to the original question.
    Considering the admitedly bad intel they used to get us into Iraq, wouldn't it be wise for SOMEONE to ask where this information came from? You'd have a problem with this?

    You've also insinuated that we have won in Iraq and that this war was over. I've found the story that you referred to. The story talks of a regrouping of Shiites in Iran who plan to launch a new series of attacks in Iraq. If this is true, you might have to rethink your conclusions.

  14. Seeing how Modern Liberalism is a mental illness, the answer to the question would have to be, Yes, Libs are insane.

    And all of Boring Bob’s “questions” are throw away. I think he learned that cheap childish dishonesty from his mentor Dishonest Dave. Overly emotional simpletons are impressionable like that.

  15. Treasonous domestic terrorists are being trained at colleges and universities here in America by the Radical Libs who “educate” them.
    Just look at their threats to riot at the coming political conventions.
