
Friday, September 12, 2008

Constitutional Scholar Whoopi Goldberg

The View's Whoopi Goldberg asks John McCain if she has to worry about "becoming a slave again" if he becomes president.

Justin McCarthy explains why she needn't be too concerned, it's something having to do with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

That McCain refrained from calling her a lunatic and lied instead, saying she had made an "excellent point" shows he has achieved the presidential temperment needed to suffer fools gladly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is kind of David Diano to act as Whoopi Goldberg's interpreter, but her question was stupid on its face.

    There is None, Zero, Nada chance of any Supreme Court interpreting the U.S. Constitution as permiting slavery. To suggest such a thing could happen is just plain dumb.

    Overturning Roe would, in fact, return the issue of abortion back to The People and their elected representatives to reasonably restrict and regulate as WE see fit.

    The concensus in this country and in most states, is that abortion should be tolerated but only in the first three months of pregnancy, after that it should be severely restricted.

    That the GOP concedes that it would take a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion nationwide should delight pro-choice Democrats.

    It shows the GOP doesn't believe that the way to outlaw abortion is to pack the Supreme Court with pro-life judges who will find, i.e. manufacture a fetus' constitutional "right to life."

    This is exactly what the majority in Roe did. Five justices made up a constitutional right to abortion and imposed it on the rest of the country.

    As for the liklihood of a pro-life constitutional amendment ever passing, it's about as likely as the Democrats ridding the world of nuclear weapons. Which, BTW is a plank in their 2008 platform.

    Big deal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This was despicable. Such racial suspicion planting is what passes as “comedy” in elite Lib/ black circles. The harm such racial gamesmanship causes race relations is immeasurable.
    It should be illegal to shout “racist!” in a crowded country. The purveyors should be charged with ethnic intimidation.

  5. Once again Whoopi's spin doctor, attempts explain her patently stupid question. We'll leave it to other readers to decide if he succeeds.

    As to the abortion question:

    "A woman's right of self-determination trumps the non-existent rights of the unborn."

    That certainly is true in America today.

    Yet, at one time the legal right of white people to own black people trumped the non-existent right of black people to be free.

    Times change. It took a civil war and a constitutional amendment to end slavery.

    Abortion in this country will probably never be outlawed, but it can, will and should be restricted more than it is today.

    A substantial majority of Americans support such greater restriction and regulation of America's abortion industry. But the pro-abortion lobby, Democrats and liberal judges prevent such restrictions from being enacted.

    Times change.

  6. Yet, at one time the legal right of white people to own black people trumped the non-existent right of black people to be free.

    Times change.

    LOL! Throwing DDD's childish tactics right back in his face! Love it!
