
Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama Classier Than Some Supporters

Obama comes out hard against the anti-Palin rumors being spread by his supporters.

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18 and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."

Good for him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The classy left just can't help itself.

    Remember John Edwards and his smarmy comments during their VP debate congratulating Dick Cheney for loving his gay daughter.

    Now, that the first rumor that Palin's 4-month old son wasn't her's has been shown to be false, the left gets its jollies talking about the sex life of Palin's 17-year old daughter and tries to figure out how they can work it into the campaign to the Democrats' advantage.

    If Diano worked for Obama, he'd have been fired by now.

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  4. Gil

    I agree with your assesment of Obama being a class act. Now compare that with McCain's 98 comment about Chelsea Clinton-

    McCain made the joke at a 1998 Republican Senate fundraiser. "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?" he asked. "Because her father is Janet Reno."

    I wonder how that made Chelsea feel? Nice guy, that John McCain.

  5. Maybe, it cost him the nomination in 2000.

    At least he apologized, as well he should have.

  6. Now I see the right falling over itself saying this is a private matter and they need to handle it as a family. I find it hard to believe, however, that if in 1998 Chelsea Clinton became preganant, undergae and out of wedlock, that one of these whacko religious righties woujld not have said this is what happens when your mother doesn't oay attention to you and is too busy trying to be a politician.

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  8. Could be.

    Is that why the Angry Left Nutroots are employing the same strategy against Palin?

  9. Gil

    There's always going to be someone on the fringe saying or doing something off color. The party has no control over that, and that doesn't mean the party endorses it. I believe Obama has run a pretty decent campaign up to this point. Consider what some of your right leaning cohorts post on this blog. Are we to assume that they speak for the Republican party?

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  11. It shows the general quality of folks who inhabit the Left.

  12. Lets all just be honest about the subject and admit teaching one or the other doesn't work for children. Both these methods should be discussed with children to allow them to make the decision that works best for their situation. All you can do with children is give them all the information possible and allow them to make the decisions from there.

    I still don't buy the idea that 16 and 17 year olds are too stupid to figure out how to use a condom if they weren't taught in school or by their parents. If these kids can write 10 page essays on topics they have no idea about prior to research, is it too much to think they have the intelligence to google the issue? Most kids don't use condoms due to the fact they don't want to go to their local CVS and be seen by their friends mom with a box in hand. And no, I don't think you can make a child feel comfortable in that situation no matter what you do with society (lib or conservative).

    Birth control and condoms aren't 100% effective although abstinence is 100% effective 60% of the time!

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  14. David,

    "Missing the point, as usual, regarding education not only about several forms of contraception, but also about preventing diseases. And, btw, kids will not only try the "rhythm" method but get completely wrong which parts of the cycle are safe vs avoid."

    Missing the point about education? Yeah, I'm sure Biden's Udel education is world class. It's worth noting nobody jokes about Bush going to Harvard anymore as it dominates Udel as a school. How's Syracuse's law program doing these days? Oh wait, 100 out of 140... TOP notch right there! And to think you used to make fun of Shields for his education as being worthless, and now you are supporting someone with a comparable education.

    Back to the point: so somehow teaching kids both methods is worse than teaching them one? How does that work? In the abstinence discussion does the child all of a sudden forget what a condom is? Isn't the whole issue the child should be knowledgeable to make their own informed decisions?

    And please stop acting like contraception stops STIs and pregnancy. You mean to tell me you don't know 1 person who's gotten pregnant while using a condom or birth control properly? Who knows, maybe Palin's daughter is on the pill and still got pregnant.

    "Study after study has shown that abstinence only programs don't work, because the kids actually don't engage in abstinence." Please show me 1 study that says 100% of todays youth engage in sex (and I'm usuing the definition of sex as Clinton would). Again you make a generalist comment about people (previously Hillary supporters) and that generalism is incorrect.

    You talk about the whole education side of the debate, then try to repress the thoughts of others who disagree. That's not education in the least bit. That's more like Brian Williams. You want to educate a child you show them both (or more) sides to the story and let the child decide which they agree with as most debates are black and white.

    Just the truth.

  15. Non-issue. Polls are showing that 80% of Americans say that Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy should NOT be a political issue in this election. So once again the petty partisan Dishonest Daves are out of touch with America. Like that’s new…

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  17. 4) The "abstinence-ONLY" doesn't teach both methods. Duh! Proper sex education does discuss abstinence, as well as the reality of what to do when abstinence invariably fails.

    When did i say it didn't smart one? Oh wait, that'd be me. I never did. Again, as you can't prove my argument wrong you attempt personal attacks and bring up un-truths about what I've previously stated. Hmmm, sounds familiar.

    All I said was teach both ways. I never said one or the other. Great reading comprehension. I think Biden got a better education from Udel.

    5) Contraception (in the form of condoms) does reduce the spread of STD's and pregnancies.

    Wow, we've got a real life Sherlock Holmes solving issues nobody knew. When did I say it didn't? Never. Not once. Again, great reading comprehension Dave.

    7) Replacing failed abstinence-only with successful full-spectrum sex-ed and pregnancy prevention programs isn't "suppression". If you think that, you might as well believe that you might as well be against suppressing "sun goes around the earth" astronomy.

    Wow look at you Dave, agreeing with my posts from the beginning. If you could read and understand, you'd see I was for the full spectrum teaching the entire time. I guess they never taught you that at an inferior Delco school like Haverford though.

    If you could understand anything I wrote instead of using your biases against me, you'd see from the start I was completely against abstinence or contraceptive only teachings in school and wanted students to learn both ways. What a concept.

    And Dave, if Brooke Hogan can get laid, there's not a single kid in America that's too ugly so that proves your point wrong again.

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  19. Dave your reading comprehension is worse than a 5 year olds. I'll quote my paragraph for you since it's too complicated for you:

    Here's the whole paragraph you condensed into one sentence, "Lets all just be honest about the subject and admit teaching one or the other doesn't work for children. Both these methods should be discussed with children to allow them to make the decision that works best for their situation. All you can do with children is give them all the information possible and allow them to make the decisions from there."

    What's the VERY NEXT SENTENCE after the one you quote. Oh wait, "Both these methods should be discussed with children to allow them to make the decision that works best for their situation." WOW!!! Look at that... BOTH methods should be discussed (taught) with children. How is that saying there shouldn't be a blend? Please tell me.

    If that wasn't clear enough, my very next sentence, "All you can do with children is give them all the information possible and allow them to make the decisions from there." Hmmm, give the children ALL THE INFO POSSIBLE... Again, showing a blended method as one or the other (for either way) isn't "all" the information.

    I'm glad to see your reading comprehension of a 2 paragraph comment is based off of 1 sentence (which in itself isn't the context you put it in). Nice try of parsing my arguments. Instead of thinking it's good American's are coming together on their views, you try to put a difference between us because I'm a registered Republican? That is SO DUMB and the opposite of your homeboy, Barack.

    It's amazing how you won't ever agree with someone just because they aren't a Democrat. The 80s want their ideology back Dave. America deserves better than people like you.

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