
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Off With His Head

George Will wonders whether John McCain is fit for the presidency.

It doesn't sound like he's wondering.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's nice to see that George Will is finally figuring out what so many Democrats and Independants have been saying from the beginning. Combine this with his choice of Palin as a VP, his split second change on gay rights on the Chris Mathews show, his charade about the conditions in Iraq that was exposed on 60 Minutes.
    McCain supporters should remember this McCain quote. It was in reference to the 2000 issue over the confederate flag:
    ''I feared that if I answered honestly, I could not win the South Carolina primary,'' Mr. McCain said. ''So I chose to compromise my principles. I broke my promise to always tell the truth.''

  3. Big deal. So McCain made one minor knee-jerk mistake. This is hardly notable considering how Obama’s entire campaign is comprised of emotional simpleton rhetoric and dishonesty designed to appeal to the shallow folks. That’s the Lib way.

    Cue the Daves to overblow this in their grasping attempt to turn anything and every minor thing McCain does into an “issue” in hopes of distracting everyone from Obama’s many very real drawbacks.

  4. Dave - R said "Cue the Daves to overblow this in their grasping attempt to turn anything and every minor thing McCain does into an “issue” in hopes of distracting everyone from Obama’s many very real drawbacks."

    Funny to hear this coming from someone who thinks Obamas middle name is a campaign issue. LOL

  5. farce? I still believe the elevation of a man with almost one term as US senator to the democratic nomination is a farce. Let's be honest, neither can tout financial experience as their staple, but I'll trust McCain's plan plan any day of the week over that of an extreme liberal.

  6. I'll trust McCain's plan plan any day of the week over that of an extreme liberal.

    Amen, brother! An extreme Socialist Liberal.

  7. Why ya talking to Dave, BB? Lol...

    Obama's middle name wouldn't be an issue ...if it weren't Hussein (!)while we're at war with Islam Muslims.

  8. Another Philadelphia Police Officer was murdered today. Another unnecessary trajedy.

  9. Again, Randals admission that he believes Obamas middle name to be a campaign issue, showcases his hypocrisy, bigotry, and ignorance of the what we should be looking for in a candidate. He never fails to prove my point. Thanks again Randal!

  10. You mean another white police officer was murdered by another black with an illegal gun.
    Let's keep the racial scorekeeping accurate, just as blacks always do.

    Gotta love all that "rich diversity" in the City of Brothaly Love.

  11. The first time you make a point I'll let you know, BB.

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  13. I trust you would also say the same of blacks who ALWAYS find the racial score in everything, particular when it involves guns and cops, Chubs.
    Nah. You’re just another Lib who wants to censor all who hold views different than your own.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Pft. Read it again, ya grasping apologist liar.

  16. Moderate this Diano:

    The impeached federal judge named Alcee Hastings just said:

    "If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," said Hastings. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."

    Alcee is black and he is a racist. How do you esplain his comment Lucy Diano?
