
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Paulson to McCain: I Need Your Help

Those who are saying that McCain suspended his campaign as a political stunt, probably don't know this:

According to CBS' Bob Shieffer, Henry Paulson privately called McCain and urgently told him he needed his help in Washington to convince his fellow Republicans to support the bailout.

Many conservatives are against it, some on principled grounds while others Hate it, after hearing from their constituents who HATE it. For those in the middle, they need political cover, and they are hoping McCain can give it to them.

No word yet, on whether Paulson called Obama as well but it doesn't appear so.

In any case, Obama has been invited to be part of the bi-partisan solution.


  1. Clearly only the Obama camp is playing politics with this, putting his campaign ahead of the country.
    The fact is that one of these men is going to be our next president and will have to deal with the aftermath of this. So of course they should be there on the front line and involved in the fix. Of course. To say anything against McCain’s actions on this is nothing more than political gamesmanship and impure partisan dishonesty. Period.

  2. Gil - The story didn't mention that Obama contacted McCain first to make a joint statement. George Will and the Wall St. Journal have both been critical of McCains abilities. He admits to knowing little about the economy. Is this the man we want going to Washington to convince fellow Republicans to go along this program? Why? Because he's an expert on this bailout program? Because he trusts Bush's judgement?
    And is this task so all encompassing that he can't take a couple of hours to debate? I find this hard to believe. It's grandstanding, and I hope most will be able to see through this BS.

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  5. Yup, it's in his character.

    At the Hanoi Hilton, it was politics first.

    When he refused to be released before any of his fellow POWs, it was politics first.

    When he supported the surge in Iraq when the popularity of the war was at its lowest, it was politics first.

    And on and on and on.

    Obama, on the other hand, would never put politics first.

    When he took the job to run the Billy Ayer's education reform foundation, it had nothing to do with politics.

    When he ran for the state senate in Illinois it had nothing to do with politics.

    When he ran for the U.S. Senate it had nothing to do with politics.

    When he took tens of thousands of dollars from the crooked and failing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac it had nothing to do with politics.

    When he decided to run for the presidency with only two years in the Senate under his belt that had nothing to do with politics.

    When he threw his minister of 20 years under the bus, that had nothing to do with politics.

    With him, it seems, it's Obama first, politics second.

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  7. LMAO! I think it’s hysterical how the Daves really seem to think they’re doing their part to help his chosen candidate by weaving partisan conspiracy theories on a small town blog board with four posters!

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