
Friday, September 26, 2008

Racist? Nasty? Moi?

Someone named Terrence McGovern from Springfield has accused me of sending a "nasty, racist message" in my print column of two Sundays ago.

The column was about a woman named Cindy, a mother of three from Morton, who told me about an incident at the local K-Mart that involved her, a black woman, a shopping cart, a racial insult, a threat of physical violence, and then a bizarre shout of "Go Obama."

In a letter to the editor which can be found here, Mr. McGovern makes obvious his dripping contempt for a person I found to be a rather humble mother-of-three.

Readers can judge for themselves the tone of the column and whether it is "nasty" and "racist."

I will say such contempt for people like Cindy is becoming an unattractive hallmark of the left.

It is also becoming routine for many Obama supporters to accuse their candidate's detractors of being "racist." This is not helping their candidate. But it, apparently, makes them feel morally superior to people with whom they differ politically. And they won't give that feeling up for any mere political candidate.


  1. Gil - Ive already expressed my disapointment with this story, but I'll sound off again.
    You receive a phone call from someone that you claim you don't know. She tells you a story, that you have no way of confirming. It's a story that can be racialy divisive. A story that has the potential of frightening some voters who may be on the fence. You made the decission to write the story, the paper allowed it to be printed. I think it was wrong and unprofessional. I can't count the number of times I've had people ask me if I'm going to vote for the N****R. Why don't you write a full length column on racists for McCain?

  2. Bob,

    You can't count the times? Well, you're a grownup and I hope you told such people that you are offended by such nasty words.

    If you want to write a letter to the editor or a guest column about your experiences with such people, feel free.

    Personally and professionally, I thought Cindy's story and concerns were interesting. I found her interesting. Both naive and decent, and humble too.

    As for my alleged unprofessionalism, you should know newspapers frequently print stories about black people who are allegedly victimized or racially discrimintated against by white people.

    If the facts of this story were turned around, if it had been a black woman, who had been threatened by a white woman, called a racist name and shouted "Go McCain" I would have considered telling her story too.

    Again, my rule of thumb is to judge people not by their beliefs or opinions but how they actually behave and treat others.

    In any case, I don't think this story has the much potential of "frightening some voters who may be on the fence." But if it does, so be it.

    Other commentators have stated flatly that if Obama isn't elected president, the only reason will be because America is a racist country. Do you think that is a divisive and unprofessional thing to write?

    Others have written there will be rioting in the streets and maybe even a race war if Obama loses. And most of the people who write this stuff are Obama supporters.

    Is that unprofessional and divisive?

    As for Cindy, it wasn't the incident that so much interested me, it was her reaction to it and who, I think, she ultimately revealed herself to be.

    I would suggest you read the column again, a little more charitably. But, if that's not possible, so be that too.

  3. If the facts of this story were turned around, if it had been a black woman, who had been threatened by a white woman, called a racist name and shouted "Go McCain"

    …the apologist Libs and the local Lib Media would be screaming about how racist whitey is to poor, poor blacks.

    Yep, this “historic” election sure has shined a light on the despicable Racial Double Standard.

    Others have written there will be rioting in the streets and maybe even a race war if Obama loses. And most of the people who write this stuff are Obama supporters.

    Gotta love all that “rich diversity” of getting everyone involved in politics. It’s turned our election processed into primitive African intimidation politics at the barrel of a gun. Are these the folks we want deciding who our next president will be?

  4. I'm finding myself believing the story. Why? I've seen or been in similar situations in the past, I just don't talk about them. Racism runs both ways, society's happy to slam the one while sweeping the other under the carpet.

    I've had similar cart issues at Home Depots, although they never turn into racial issues. You walk into a Home Depot wanting to pick up screws and come out with a bucket of spackle, some 2x4's, drywall and etc. (Must be a man thing). Hell, I've even abandoned carts at stores like a lot of others, so open carts are freuuent in these stores.

  5. Racism runs both ways, society's happy to slam the one while sweeping the other under the carpet.

    So why do I have to type so many words to say this very thing? Lol...

    I've had similar cart issues at Home Depots, although they never turn into racial issues.

    Not alotta Obamites at HD.

    You walk into a Home Depot wanting to pick up screws and come out with a bucket of spackle, some 2x4's, drywall and etc. (Must be a man thing).

    Yep, it's a man thing! I did this -almost exactly- just the other night!
