
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spencerblog Announcement II

Spencerblog has decided it is high time that main commenters on this blog get together to discuss their opinions, differences and the issues of the day - in PERSON.

Over beer!

Invited are:

David Diano, Randall, Steve McDonald, Bob, Jonas, and Pro-Gun Pro Christ.

We're thinking the Locust Crest Tavern, Friday evening, Sept. 26.

Who's in?


  1. anything that involves Diano actually having to take up our best at who has the higher IQ is game for me!

  2. Gil, If you're buyin, count me in!

  3. I figured that I could throw a wrench into your blogger party if invited.


  4. I am in! Can't wait! I will bring a babe for you Gil, and I won't tell Mrs. Gil either.


  5. Where's my post here?

  6. shucks. i already have an appointment that night to get hot needles in my eyes.

  7. Randal: I believe it is in Middletown on Rt. 352.


    Please show up and engage in a fun time where we can talk, drink beer, or white zinfindel, and eat. You may find that with an open mind you will see that we all have more in common than you think.

  8. I know where the bar is, Mr. S. I was wondering what happened to my post here that our censor-happy Admin didn’t post for some unexplained reason.

    Anyway, I’m supposed to be out of town that day so unless that changes I can’t make it.

    But notice how the mouthiest Lib poster here has avoided this thread. Prolly trembling in the corner just at the thought of coming out from behind the safety of his computer and having to see others face-to-face! Lol…

  9. Diano has nothing to fear. I will be nice to him, and if a person busts into the bar wanting to kill him I will even protect him.

  10. you're killing me, Gil. I have a poker game in the NE that evening. I was hoping one of these events would come about, and I'd like to meet everyone of my fellow wacko's who post here. Keep me in mind for the Great Spencerblog Debate II and be sure to take memorable pictures Friday night!


  11. UPDATE: Diano checked in and is out, citing a standing Friday night engagement with his friends and because next Friday is the night of the first presidential debate.

    Besides, he wrote, he has better things to do than spend the evening in a bar with people he "doesn't like."

    The rest of Diano's post was a sophomoric gay joke and one of the reasons why Spencerblog went to moderating comments in the first place.

    His loss.

    To accommodate those, like Steve and Randal, who can't make it Friday, how does Saturday sound? Around 6 p.m.?

    Let us know.

  12. Gil, I'm sorry, Saturday finds my family at a dinner event in the Doylestown area with my parents and a few siblings. Again, keep me in mind for the next one, I'll make best efforts to be there.

    I'm disappointed by diano's response - while we like to battle it out here, it would be fascinating to meet everyone in person in a civil and social matter and shake hands. I've had disagreements with diano, Mayor C. Scott, bob and jonas plenty of times but still would love to meet everyone and get to know all of us outside of this "blogisphere".

    Any way you can post diano's response with some edits in place?

  13. Gil- you were supposed to be screening comments for personal insults, and then you say this about Diano "I trust THAT is not over Diano's head, pointed as it may be.". Way to go Gil.

    Friday was good, but I dont know about Sat. I might have tickets to see Bill Maher at the Tower. Matter of fact, I might have two extras if you and C. Scott want to go. Of course, Shields would have to check his AK at the door.

  14. Diano checked in and is out, citing a standing Friday night engagement with his friends

    Is this an approporiate place to insert a humerous drug reference? COME ON!!!

  15. Sorry to hear Diano's response. Randall annoys me to no end with his posts but I'd be happy to meet him and buy him a beer. I suspect that while I may disagree with many of you on a lot of issues we still share much in common, but Gil spares me no invite.

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  17. Damn, now what am I going to do with the tar and feathers?

  18. David Diano wrote: " Hoisting a glass with people that I despise (and frankly consider to be violent and mentally unstable) is not going to happen. And only a great fool would expect me to show up at a gathering of people."

    All I can say is Wow! I met with a few Democratic liberal posters from the Haverford Blog after they thought that Jane Hamsher was showing up at Peabody's.

    We were cordial to each other David. Why would you have such anger toward your fellow American?

  19. And only a great fool would expect me to show up at a gathering of people.

    LOL! Like I said...

    notice how the mouthiest Lib poster here has avoided this thread. Prolly trembling in the corner just at the thought of coming out from behind the safety of his computer and having to see others face-to-face!

    One can try to cloak their fear in disdain all they want but I think everyone here knows what’s really up.

    “Being called a racist by an apologist is like being called an idiot by a moron.”

  20. Suggestion- why dont we get together and watch the dabate. We could go to Gills house.

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  22. dave, you're taking a childish POV on this one. You post here to "save the world" and "spread the truth"? Maybe you're a bit wackier than we expected. Sorry to hear you find yourself a class above being cordial, but thanks for posting your reasons so they can be used against you.

  23. Dave- Personally, I don't take the posts of wanting to play hockey or climb into a boxing ring seriously, but some of the posters comments were downright vicious, and I can't blame you for not wanting to have anything to do with them. There's one person who posts here, who in my opinion, was the deciding factor in Gils decission to censor the blog, and Gil invited him to the gathering. Because of this I have had second thoughts. On the other hand, my favorite movie is "One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest" so you can understand why I would find this idea of a gathering fascinating.

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  25. We were cordial to each other David. Why would you have such anger toward your fellow American?

    Someone who harbors such raw hatred for their fellow Americans for no more reason than they hold opinions different from theirs hardly gives that someone any air of rationality or stability. One would be wise to seriously question the attitudes and politics expressed by someone like that, such as when they express similar hatred for their President and country while aiding our enemies and advocating for immoral lifestyles and criminal groups that undermine the fabric of our society. (How’s this for cordial, G?! Lol…)

    There's one person who posts here, who in my opinion, was the deciding factor in Gils decission to censor the blog, and Gil invited him to the gathering. Because of this I have had second thoughts.

    (yawn) Fear not he who has injured your fragile feelings, BB.
    Besides, the spin stops here: G already told us who and why he had to moderate this joint. It had to do with offensive gay jokes. Which is rather odd and extra offensive when coming from a supposed gay advocate.

    It would be nice if somewhere there was a list of 10 important things to "do" or "not do" to help guide people away from such behavior. It could be a simple list with a few moral imperatives and include adultery as one of the things to avoid. If anyone ever does manage to create such a list, I hope they will send Pro-Christ a copy.

    What would we call such a list?? The title should be important sounding, like The Ten _______

    This was actually kinda funny, DDD! Congrats on your very first time! ;)

    And how’s that ‘preview’ button treating you now?

  26. dave,

    if Liberals and conservatives (with a few moderates mixed in) can't come together to reflect on the experiment that has been the almighty Spencerblog, what makes you think they'll ever do so in congress?

    If this is the attitude of liberals in general (strict refusal to compromise and meet), we're all screwed in the longrun.

  27. this is the attitude of liberals in general (strict refusal to compromise and meet)

    So true! And that’s not very “change-y” or “unity-y”. Pretty much just seems like more of the same old Liberal division to me. (This time based in their cowardice.)

    Watch as President Obama –the most radical Liberal partisan ever in the history of Congress- tries to muscle his Radical Agenda through and then labels all reasonable dissenters as “dividers” …maybe even ‘racists”.
    Again, not very “change-y” or “unity-y”, this.

  28. Why does Dave think there are no republican homosexuals? I've been to many gay bars in my day without any issues. What's wrong with that? Just because I'm conservative doesn't mean I hate or dislike anybody because of any orientation.

    Ideas like that are the reason this country hasn't gone anywhere for a long time.

  29. Gil - Amazing how I mention "downright vicious" without mentioning names, and Randal knows exactly who I'm talking about. I'm not afraid of Randal, and my feeling's aren't hurt. I enjoy your company. I think Shields, Jonas, Steve, Franny, Dingo, and Dave, are all people I could sit down and have a beer with. On the other hand, I can't understand why anyone would even continue to communicate with Randal, let alone sit down and have a beer with him. Having a beer with Randal would be like having a beer with Hitler. I'll pass.

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  31. Translation: “Boo-hoo, Randal hurt my feelings by calling me out on my trying to undermine our military and my soldier son’s mission, all due to my hurt feelings about mean old Bushie and this war! I’m so upset that I can’t even type to him directly anymore!

    That’s like hurt feelings x3!

  32. No, DDD. See, just as when it comes to protesting political rallies, unlike shrill Angry Libs, most Righties are calm and respectful when it comes to disagreeing. We’re not at all about shrill screaming and hatred. That’s emotional Lib stuff. (Even that Mircavage guy remains civil when he preaches to the gays he sees as sinners headed to hell. Heck, he’s not bashing them, he’s trying to SAVE them from themselves!) Both myself and Mr. S. have said before that although we see the Gay lifestyle choice as disgusting (me, I see it as a mental illness and he sees it as a sin) neither he nor I have ever advocated hatred of or violence toward gays. Kinda like, ‘hate the sin, not the sinner’. You well know this, DDD, so once again your charge here is devoid of intellectual honesty. What else is new from the gay apologist Lying Lib quarters?

  33. Dopey Diano:

    So sad that you don't have the guts to hang out with people that you know would never harm you. As for the homosexual thing, it is sinful, it is unnatural, it is disgusting, and if it wasn't for the money powerful homosexual lobby, it would still be a mental disorder.

    It is very sad that there are people like you that believe that nothing is ever wrong, expect those that don't agree with you and your brand of tolerance.

    By the way, I will be at the not so tolerant Outfest again this year to make sure that my clients who have a very peaceful message don't get harassed and/or arrested by the police. If you see me say hi!


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  35. Hey, Mr. S., we have another weepy Lib who advocates censorship of anyone with whom they disagree.

    You’re gonna have to come up with something better than that as evidence of “bigotry”, ChubbyChild.
    Indeed, gayness used to be considered a mental illness by the Psych community. Just because the gay advocate Libs got to playing their underhanded words games on behalf of their gay buddies, this doesn’t suddenly make my words here “bigoted” by any dishonest Lib stretch. Un-PC, sure. Hurt the feelings of the overly sensitive like you, obviously. But bigoted? Nah.

  36. "Hey, Mr. S.," ???? What is this? Are we still in Jr. High?

  37. Fatboy:

    Knowing that homosexuality and all that comes with it is one of the most vile things you can do to your body, how on earth is it bigotry? Homosexuality is not an immutable characteristic, like race or gender.

    Is it even ok to call you fatboy (your blogger name) if you are a fatboy? I already know that in some circles that it is "bigoted" to refer to Obama as Hussein (his name), and I dont want to be harassed by the tolerance police.


  38. Scott - just curious as to how you would handle this, and what you believe to be the cause of this. I have nephews. They male are twins, age 5. One is very masculine, tough, etc. The other is just the opposite. Likes Dora the Explorer, the color pink, etc. The other day as I was saying goodbye to them, I said to the one, "be a good boy for your mom" and he replied "or a good girl". Now, I've watched his preferences since he was born. Started noticing real differences at the age of about 3. His twin brother, and older brother are both masculine. His Dad is a hunter (also a conservative). He has no exposure to homosexuals. Do you believe this behavior is a choice that he's made?

  39. Bob:

    It really sucks to be that Dad, but I think that the only way you deall with it is to raise him as a boy, period. And then when he wants to kiss boys, teach him that it is bad to do it. What should not happen is a situation where his girly tendencies are applauded because it sounds like me he is being conditioned to think it is normal.

    As for the Dora thing, that is disgusting. Dora is an illegal immigrant and a communist. Just ask my kids and they will tell you.


  40. Get that kid a G.I. Joe and a toy dump truck, pronto!

    That the child is a blood relative of yours doesn’t surprise me, BB. Lol…
    You wouldn’t happen to be related to Dave too, wouldja?

  41. Are part time gays born that way too?
    I mean, take someone like Lindsay Lohan. Until recently she was hetero and now suddenly she’s a lesbian. So was her gay gene regressive until now?
    Or how about that Anna Heche chick that used to swim with Ellen Degenerate? She was hetero, then gay, then she ended up hetero again!
    How does this related to being born with the game gene?

    Even if people are indeed born that way, is this something that should be embraced and encouraged? Some babies are also born addicted to drugs. Should this flaw from birth also be embraced and encouraged and celebrated because, after all, they were born that way, so it’s perfectly normal?

    Homoism gets so confusing when its defenders try to explain it away as being a perfectly normal birth trait, eh.

  42. Hey, did you know that only until recently our Military categorized homoism as a mental disorder? But they’re nice enough to let the gays participate anyway, thanks to Don’t Ask/ Don’t Tell. They're cool and inclusive like that.

    And why must some folks always broadcast their sexuality anyway? Keep that stuff in the bedroom where it belongs.

  43. If being homosexual is genetic they would never reproduce and they would die off. That is how they push evolution - oops- except when it disproves evolution.

    Bob, that little boy also needs a bb gun and a sharp hunting knife so that he can practice how to kill and gut an animal. That will make a boy out of him.

  44. Scott- ummmm- you might want to rephrase that. You said "What should not happen is a situation where his girly tendencies are applauded because it sounds like me he is being conditioned to think it is normal."
    And Dora? An illegal imigrant communist? You're kidding. Right?

  45. Scott- you were conditioned to think gay was normal? Supression on your part? Thats almost as funny as the time Randal had his panties in a wad over Gils censorship. He was demanding to know where his post was, and you gave him directions to the Locust Crest! Are you sure you're really a lawyer?
