
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spencerblog Announcement

For posters interested, go to the comments section.


  1. Spencerblog is thinking about going back to unmoderated comments.

    But we're not sure, yet.

    There was much whining and gnashing of teeth when it was announced moderation would be the order of the day. There were many howls of "censorship" and what not. But some posters were getting out of hand with their personal insults addressed to each other.

    We'd like to hear the arguments against moderation. And for it, if there are any.

    Gentleman, have at it.

  2. Gil, remove moderation and delete anything insulting as we move along our spirited debates. The conversations are way too slow to keep interesting anymore.

    I back Diano's idea of using blogger ID's for posting. If makes users register to post on all their blogs, why shouldn't

    The removal of moderation will bring back the fast pace of posting and will influence others to return or add comments of their own. Deleting offensive posts is necessary for maintenance andPR, just not through moderation.

    Does this "blogger" system flag down offensive words?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think everyone knows we either need to clean up our posts or you need to do it for us.
    The main problem I have with censorship is that such power always leads to abuse. I feel this has been the case here as our Admin has gone WELL beyond censoring for mere “offensive” and on-topic into petty and punitive censoring of content.

    I’ll agree to clean up my posts if others do the same, so we can return to free exchange.

  5. Keep them moderated.
    I want to read intelligent sentence, not childish hate speech.

    It's bad enough that a troll like Diano is here...
    -Rich, Wallingford

  6. Suggestion #2 (and please pass this on to Phil Heron) is to just drop your blog, column, etc. and recognize it for the regressive, discredited hackery and nonsense that it is.

    Great suggestion, coming from someone who gets frustrated over Gil's conservative op-ed's and posts. Just be sure not to include that part in the suggestion to Phil Heron.

    Also, be sure to have Gil replaced with Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News - an over-the-top liberal columnist who just maybe might meet Dave's overly-liberal viewpoints.

  7. some of us actually enjoy the conservative nature of Gil's posts. Does that make all of us tainted and corrupt? Must all reporters slant left? (Maybe that will be the second bit of legislation to be signed by Obama after he signs the bill for planned parenthood)

  8. Funny how Libs are sooo threatened by ONE semi-Rightie columnist in the Sea of Far Liberal Commentators that they advocate their censorship and even job loss.

    Did I say “funny”? That’s not what I really meant to call it. Viciously partisan… anti-American… Communist… such words seem much more fitting.
    And these are the sort of LibDem folks some want running our country? Nah. Whywouldja?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. LO< I must have missed this article last year:

    Its a bird, Its a Plane, its Spencerblog

    I love the randal and diano comments! Gil, you got a great sense of humor, hopefully you do an upcoming print about the adventures of babysitting this blog!

  11. Still with the selective censorship.
    No, not howls of "censorship" and what not but very real censorship of the abusive, petty and punitive kind.

  12. Still with the selective censorship.
    No, not howls of "censorship" and what not but very real censorship of the abusive, petty and punitive kind.
