
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Worm Man on Trial

There may be some people who might be wondering why an alleged pervert like Thomas Worman decided to go on trial for raping children and babies, instead of trying to cut a deal for a slightly lighter sentence.

After all, the evidence against him is mountainous. It includes videos of him actually commiting these brutal crimes. Videos he allegedly made himself. How does he expect to beat the rap?

Well, he doesn't. Odds are, given all the evidence they have against him, he wasn't offered much of a deal by the prosecution.

And going on trial gives him one last opportunity to get a rush, hearing his alleged crimes described.

Most criminals don't videotape themselves in the commission of their felonies. But sexual deviants are a different breed. Some of them, especially some pedophiles, get such a psychological charge recalling their crimes, they keep tangible trophies. And nothing recalls like videotape.

Pedophiles come in all psychological shapes and sizes, from the controlled and non-violent to the most out-of-control and brutal.

There are more than a few pedophiles walking around this country who admirably control, if not their impulses and attractions, at least their behavior. They do so out of a combination of fear, shame, and even the understanding that such behavior is evil.

Others don't. These are the predators who must be caught and put away forever.

Their crimes used to merit the death penalty but, the Supreme Court has recently ruled, such punishement is no longer justified or constitutional. Past such decisions have cited "evolving standards of decency."

Yes, you only have to look at our culture and you quickly notice how lighter prison sentences for monsters have contributed to the upswing in decency rampant across the country.

Anyway, Worman's trial continues, providing a window into the very soul of depravity.


  1. Their crimes used to merit the death penalty but, the Supreme Court has recently ruled, such punishement is no longer justified or constitutional. Past such decisions have cited "evolving standards of decency."

    Yes, you only have to look at our culture and you quickly notice how lighter prison sentences for monsters have contributed to the upswing in decency rampant across the country.

    So true. And we have Liberals –and only Liberals- with their misplaced sympathies to thank for this. See how all that backwards Liberalism has very real costs to our society. It’s not all just misguided touchy-feely do-gooder fun and games.
    Does any normal, thinking, reasonable, non-Liberal person really believe that this f-ing scumbag who rapes infants (!) doesn’t deserve to die for such a crime? Anyone? At all?

    Wake up, folks. More of this misplacing sympathies with child rapists is what we can expect if Obama is permitted to pick the next Liberal Supreme Court justices.

    Why the hell the judge let that pervert freak get off one last time by watching the videos is another question that needs answering.

  2. I would like to personally volunteer to be locked in a cell with this gentleman for 10 minutes. I’d bash his f-ing… Er, I mean, I think I could get him to see the error of his scumbag ways while saving the taxpayers much money.

  3. Guilty. But no death penalty thianks to the Liberals on the Supreme Court.
