
Friday, October 31, 2008

Art vs. Crime: It Depends

When a California couple hang Sarah Palin in effigy at their home, it's art.

When two students in Kentucky do the same thing with an image of Barack Obama, it's a crime.


  1. Yep, the Racial Double Standard. We can expect more of this should Obama win. This “historic” election has set back race relations in this country by years.
    “Change” and “unity”?? Pft…

  2. One location is a private home.

    The other location is a University campus, whose ethics rules would have prohibited the hanging of Palin effigy as well.

    that besides disorderly conduct...
    "They were also charged with burglary and theft at a fraternity house where police said the materials came from."

    Burglary and theft are crimes. Single standard.

  3. Dishonest logic. That the one violated school rules does not automatically mean it merits criminal charges while the other does not.

    Besides, we know Apologist Dishonest Dave would say ANYTHING to defend his candidate’s criminal supporters while piling-on with any who bash McCain/ Palin.
    If he had his way these kids would be charged with a “hate crime” because Obama is black.
    Heck, DDD prolly has a Palin effigy hanging at his house!

    The Double Standard stands as ugly as ever.

    A vote for Obama is a vote for the Racial Double Standard which apologists like DDD advocate.

  4. anonymous has a great point. One is private property while the other is public.

    Both instances are hateful and inappropriate.

    Do I think it should be illegal? Look, the history of racism against blacks makes the effigy of hanging Obama worse. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. Hanging a black man conjures a long, shameful past. Hanging Sarah Palin.. it's hateful but it doesn't carry with it the same symbolic affront. It's the same reason we justify affirmative action.. or the same reason we don't get so worked up about black kids using the n-word amongst themselves. They probably shouldn't. But we all know there's a world of difference between a black kid saying it to a black kid and a white kid saying it to a black kid.

  5. Burglary and theft DO merit criminal charges.

    You just want to be able to hang your own Obama effigy and pretend that hate equals "free speech".

    Step 2) Try hanging your head in shame.
    Step 1) Get some shame.

    Obama is preventing the biggest crime: stealing the future

  6. Do I think it should be illegal? Look, the history of racism against blacks makes the effigy of hanging Obama worse. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. Hanging a black man conjures a long, shameful past. Hanging Sarah Palin.. it's hateful but it doesn't carry with it the same symbolic affront. It's the same reason we justify affirmative action.. or the same reason we don't get so worked up about black kids using the n-word amongst themselves. They probably shouldn't. But we all know there's a world of difference between a black kid saying it to a black kid and a white kid saying it to a black kid.

    No, Matt, that is the apologist Liberal take on it that has been programmed into society. It puts contrived feelings above things like justice and equality.
    This is 2008, not 1808 or even 1958.

  7. Step 2) Try hanging your head in shame.
    Step 1) Get some shame.

    Your White Guilt is showing, DDD. Try letting go of that shame and living in America 2008.

    Obama is preventing the biggest crime: stealing the future

    Obama is trying to steal the future by stealing this election if he can't buy it. And he can thank guilt-ridden apologist useful idiot Liberals for helping him.
