
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Criminal Enterprise

ACORN's voter registration drive is as impressive as it is rife with fraud.

UPDATE: And it's happening very close to home. (Scroll down to check Delaware County.)

UPDATE II: More here. Just "community organizers" doing what they do best.


  1. This is why the LibDems and blacks were sooo against the Voter ID Law.
    This is how blacks, Liberals and Democrats see elections: As something to be stolen … “by any means necessary”.
    ALL of the fraudulent voter registering groups like ACORN are Obama supporters. Every single one of them. And Obama and the Dems are enabling these crooks, they see nothing wrong with their actions. Obama used to work for them, he was one of them, and he gave them $800,000 this election season to register voters. They’re doing his work.
    Every single one of the 1.3 million voter registration cards filled out or delivered by ACORN should be thrown in the trash. And such calculated voter fraud should be punishable by death as it undermines our most basic and valuable right. If you want to play underhanded election games go to Africa.

    Wake up, folks. Do the right thing on Nov. 4 or else these criminals win.

  2. "Obama used to work for them"

    About 12 years ago, he was a lawyer working WITH the Justice Department on their behalf to get motor-voter laws (drivers license is ID).

    "Every single one of the 1.3 million voter registration cards filled out or delivered by ACORN should be thrown in the trash."

    Besides the difference between registration fraud and actual voting fraud, the majority of the registrations are valid. Why does Randal want to undermine the rights of the legitimate voters that filled out forms in good faith?

    "This is how blacks, Liberals and Democrats see elections: As something to be stolen … “by any means necessary”."
    "And such calculated voter fraud should be punishable by death as it undermines our most basic and valuable right. If you want to play underhanded election games go to Africa."

    Blacks? Death penalty? Africa?
    Is Randal from "South" Delaware County (like near Mississippi)?

  3. Anon - how do you know the majority of the voter registrations are valid? Did you personally go through all 1.3 million and see how many duplicates, Mickey Mouses, and Dallas Cowboys were included? To make a comment like that is a complete joke. At that point, to ensure a legitimate vote, all ACORN affiliated voter registrations should be allowed to vote, but won't be counted until the middle of November with election results happening towards Thanksgiving.

    There's absolutely no way to tell how many are legit or fake when you have homeless people telling they were paid up to $5 per registration or 1 cigarette per registration.

  4. Jonas, reports from the various state and county boards of election involved have all quoted numbers with the majority of ballots coming in being valid.
    However, that missed the point, as Mickey Mouse isn't going to vote on election day. Extra registrations, especially of the same person 10 times, don't result in extra votes on election day.

    ACORN actually suffers the most because they are the ones wasting money by paying workers a salary to get real people registered. It's money that doesn't produce any extra votes.

    The other group that suffers is the county workers sifting through the false forms. However, it sounds like most of the duplicates are caught at the point of data entry.

    Think about it. If some minimum wage ACORN worker creates 10 phony voters on his own, none of the 10 are going to show up at the polls.
    In PA, you have to show some form of ID the first time you vote after registering.

    Try googling "voter caging" if you want to learn about a REAL effort to undermine the election.

  5. I thought Dishonest Dave Diano was banned from this blog? So why is he permitted to still post here?

    Is anyone surprised that such a blind partisan as he would approve of this rampant voter fraud so long as it benefits his candidate ..."By any means necessay"? Anyone? Anyone at all?

    That’s not very Democratic. Heck, it’s down right un-American. That sure is some "change"...

  6. For those interested, Diano is still on double-secret probation.

    But his more reasonable, to the point comments will be allowed through.

  7. here is info from Ohio Secretary of State (Brunner):

    Brunner says that, according to the League of Women Voters, there were only four instances of "illegal voting," or the actual casting of an illegitimate ballot, between 2002 and 2006 -- when just under 8 million ballots were cast. As such, she said, ACORN's registration problems are being improperly lumped in with the casting of bad ballots, something she says is not likely to occur no matter how many fraudulent registrations are turned in. "Unfortunately, despite the messaging of certain political parties ... when they bring ACORN into it, they're talking about false voter registration. Seldom does that lead to illegal voting. Mickey Mouse and Jive Turkey don't vote."

    Brunner revealed this week that state data for approximately 200,000 of the new voters shows at least one discrepancy out of nearly two dozen categories that can be compared between the Secretary of State's office and the DMV.

    (Indeed, even Ohio's Joe 'The Plumber' Wurzelbacher appears on voter registration rolls with a slight name misspelling, and thus would be subject to what a representative of the Brennan Center for Justice calls "disenfranchisement by typo.")
