
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Serious Obama Campaign Shenanigans

Scott Johnson explains how the Obama campaign allows illegal campaign contributions by not using the same security features on credit donations that the McCain campaign and every retailer in American uses.

Pretty interesting stuff.

Democrats, as always, look away.


  1. being a life long Dem, I was asked by a buddy, would you rather an Obama win or a Phillies win.

    yeah I took the Phillies...

    I can not believe it still.

    that said, Obama is still going to get over 350.

  2. You are really beating a dead horse with this non-story.

    1) Both campaigns have caught an returned bad donations.

    2) McCain campaign is begin funded by the taxpayers, so it isn't taking donations, but Obama is taking RECORD #'s of donations from hundreds of thousands of people giving small amounts.

    3) The Obama campaign is taking in so many donations that there is a delay catching the errors.

    4) GOP stooges are purposely entering fraudulent credit card donations specifically to create stories that try to imply that somehow Obama is doing something wrong. It's like a news reporter breaking a store window to do a report on vandalism and blaming the store owner.

    Is your goal to get people to vote for McCain to avoid 4-8 years of you whining about Obama?

  3. "Obama is taking RECORD #'s of donations from hundreds of thousands of people giving small amounts."

    Except that the way the Obama campaign set it up, it easily could have been hundreds of people giving large, illegal amounts, in small doses.

    What possible reason could there have been for the campaign not to have used standard credit card security procedures, except to allow suspect funds to make it into their coffers?

    There is nothing stooge-like about conservatives catching the Obama campaign with their grass-roots sting operation.

    There is something stooge-like in defending Obama's inducement to his supporters to commit fraud.

    The same thing goes for ACORN and the amount of voter registration fraud it perpetuated in its attempts to pack the rolls with dead people, cartoon characters and second-graders, et al.

    Obama needs to win big or his victory will be tainted by these low-life shenanigans.

  4. "Except that the way the Obama campaign set it up, it easily could have been hundreds of people giving large, illegal amounts, in small doses."

    NO. That statement is completely unsupported and irresponsible. Over 3 million different people have donated to Obama's campaign.

    "What possible reason could there have been for the campaign not to have used standard credit card security procedures, except to allow suspect funds to make it into their coffers?"

    The software package they bought from their vendor for the campaign didn't happen to contain that feature, because that type of credit card abuse is not widespread for political donations. It's not a common software feature in political software.
    Besides, the credit card information is still stored and would eventually get caught by an audit or attempts to contact the donors for more funds.
    BTW, using multiple identities to donate more than the limit is a crime by the donor, not the campaign.

    "The same thing goes for ACORN and the amount of voter registration fraud it perpetuated in its attempts to pack the rolls with dead people, cartoon characters and second-graders, et al."

    ACORN is the victim here, as they paid workers for results (real voters that can vote on election day) and didn't get what they paid for. None of the false registrants are going to vote, so this has NO effect on the election itself.

    Also, BY LAW, even if Mickey Mouse gets turned in, ACORN must still turn the forms in, as they are legal documents. However, ACORN does review the registrations and marks the suspicious ones to notify the election boards.

    "Obama needs to win big or his victory will be tainted by these low-life shenanigans."

    Mr. SpencerBlog, it looks like you got the talking points memo to start questioning the legitimacy of the election to undermine Obama. You haven't wasted any time.

  5. Nice try but making victims out of the Obama campaign and ACORN isn't going to play.

    Blaming the software vendor? How come the McCain campaign managed to find one that included the security feature but the Obama campaign couldn't? Maybe Obama's team just wasn't that interested.

    Just like Dems weren't that interested in regulating Freddie and Fannie while their Dem execs,
    were cooking the books and paying themselves millions in bonuses.

    The victim of ACORN'S shenanigans
    are the taxpayers. They have to pay the salaries of the bureaucrats who now have to work overtime to examine the hundreds of thousands of bad registrations their employees have turned in.

    ACORN executives hushed up the million-plus dollars stolen from the organization by the founder's brother. Nice.

    Poor ACORN. Poor Obama. Please.

  6. It’s fun to watch blind partisans grasp and spin to dismiss every alarming impropriety perpetrated by the Obama Campaign. Lol...

  7. poor and minority voters actually being registered to vote is your idea of "impropriety".

  8. No, the impropriety I was referring to is the rampant fraud of Obama surrogates like ACORN. They do not register “poor and minorities” anyway. They register blacks Democrat voters for Obama. Such targeted goals are illegal too.
