
Monday, October 13, 2008

The O stands for Zero

Mark Steyn is back and on Obama's case:

"Gaze into the giant zero of the Obama logo, the hole in the star-spangled donut, the vast fathomless nullity that is the gaping keyhole to the door of utopia. To a sad shriveled Republican cynic, there’s nothing there but the wide open spaces of Obama’s blank resume. But a believer will see therein the healing of the planet and the receding of the oceans. The black hole of Obama will suck you in through the awesome power of its totally cool suckiness."


  1. I use the 'kool-aid' line frequently on this blog, and it couldn't go any further than to describe obama supporters. i simply don't understand the support for someone with so little experience AND someone so amazingly liberal to takes the highest executive office in the land. It's downright scary - yet inevitable.

    I haven't been a Bush fan but I'd still take W any day of the week over the upcoming Obama nightmare.

    My blog's still open for anyone who wants to talk anything and everything without waiting for moderation. Click on my ID to get there.

  2. Steve- First it was George Will. Now it.s Christopher Buckley, son of Bill Buckley - To sum it up - He criticized Republican John McCain as "irascible and snarly" and credited Obama with having "a first-class temperament and a first-class intellect."
