
Friday, October 31, 2008

Phillies Phillies Phillies

Spencerblog daughter, 15, went down to the Phillies parade with serveral classmates from Strath Haven High School.

They all got excused from their second two blocks of class to attend. They got a ride to the Wallingford train station and found that the trains had stopped running.

So she called her father to see if he could take her and four friends somewhere near the city so they could be part of the celebration.

Of course, he did.

Having chided Chester Upland for closing down the district so students could go to a political rally for Barack Obama, readers deserve an explanation for this apparent hypocrisy.

Here it is:

It is one thing to TOLERATE youthful exuberance and allow a bunch of teenagers to skip some school to take part in a city-wide celebration. It is another for grown-ups to close down a school system so children can take part in a partisan political rally.

So there.

Now, excuse me while I listen to Harry Kalas introduce Brad Lidge.

UPDATE: Ooooh, Chase said a bad word!


  1. Gil - OK. I'll excuse your apparent hypocrisy, if you will excuse me for saying "I told you so". So let me get this right. Gil Spencer would have our children believe that the World Series is more important than children being encouraged to get involved in the poltical process? Baseball history trumps political history? Where are your priorities?

  2. "It is one thing to TOLERATE youthful exuberance and allow a bunch of teenagers to skip some school to take part in a city-wide celebration. It is another for grown-ups to close down a school system so children can take part in a partisan political rally."

    Yes. The first example is truancy and unexcused absence (and irresponsible parenting). The second example encourages kids to be engaged in citizenship, government, history and the workings of society.

    I guess the difference is whether we want a country of sports fans or educated youth.

  3. Hard to say how much "educating" went on at the Obama rally.

    Though Obama encouraging young people to eschew jobs in business and the private sector and instead focus on public service and community organizing no doubt will improve life in America as we know it.

    Hey Bob, SEPTA sure did a nice job today, didn't it?

  4. When I get the paper, I read the sports section first to read about man's accomplishments. Then I read the front page to read about man's failures.

    I'd give them off for the first parade in 25 years any day over a disgusting presidential election.

  5. Gil,
    I can't believe the pompous liberal elites can assert any nexus between a joyful, bipartisan community celebration like the Phillies glorious world championship and the self-serving pandering of this lame political opportunist.
    The high school kids should go to the Phillies' parade because it is a worthwhile acknowledgement of hard work and fortitude that will last long after this latest Democrat prophet is exposed as just another glib purveyer of special interests and big government.

  6. Gil - I dont know. I work for Amtrak. But knowing a bit about railroads, I can tell you that this time of year, we deal with slippery rail, due to leaf residue and moisture on the tracks. That causes train delays. That combined with a shortage of available equiptment, and unusualy high demand = "Dad, I need a ride" I felt bad. I was having some work framed, and Deb said the kids never did get to see the parade.

  7. It amazes me how the same people who complain about the problems in the black community, are the same people who will trash a black man who is an example of education, hard work, dedication to the community, and family values.
    How can anyone in their right mind, not understand the importance of Obama as a role model for not only the children of Chester, but for all children.

  8. "How can anyone in their right mind, not understand the importance..."

    Bob, you answered your own question. :-)

  9. There is no hypocrisy here, as Gil explained very well. Letting your kid go see a sports team championship parade is nothing at all like closing down an entire troubled school district just so the students could go see a candidate who “looks like them”. There is no comparison.

    Stop grasping, partisan liars. Or keep grasp. Whichever.

  10. "is nothing at all like closing down an entire troubled school district just so the students could go see a candidate who “looks like them”. There is no comparison."

    Yes. It is MUCH better for the kids to be inspired by Obama and his example of hard work and achievement.

    My prediction is that once Obama becomes president that many more minority children will start adding "president" to their drawings and "what I want to be when I grow up lists" instead of rap or sports stars.

    The anti-education culture that infects some poor/minority areas will begin to fade with Obama as an example. The idea that black kids are wasting their time studying and that gangs or crime are a road to success will be exposed as a lie and a myth.

  11. Why the heck didn’t they hold the parade today –Saturday? Then not so many people would have had to burn a sick day and kids wouldn’t have skipped school. And it would have made the commute much easier for the people who actually had to go into the city to work their jobs Friday.

    Notice how when McCain visits a high school it’s on a Sunday so as to not disrupt the students’ lessons. He’s considerate like that.

    See you all at Strath Haven tomorrow!

  12. R said "Why the heck didn’t they hold the parade today –Saturday? Then not so many people would have had to burn a sick day and kids wouldn’t have skipped school" - and Gil wouldn't have had to explain why he's hypocritical, and Puppio wouldn't have looked a like an a**, and Bob wouldn't have been able to say "I told you so"

  13. Maybe you missed this, BB:

    There is no hypocrisy here, as Gil explained very well. Letting your kid go see a sports team championship parade is nothing at all like closing down an entire troubled school district just so the students could go see a candidate who “looks like them”. There is no comparison.

    Stop grasping, partisan liars. Or keep grasp. Whichever.

    It's not about missing school, it's about the reason.

  14. "It's not about missing school, it's about the reason"

    Ah yes. Again R makes my point for me.

    R and Gil consider a game to be more important than a historical event. Why doesn't that surprise me?

  15. bob-
    I love it. r is so thick and hypocritical that he actually repeats the argument that proves him wrong. It looks like he skipped a few too many days of school himself when they were teaching logic.

  16. bob, in Philadelphia, a world series victory IS a historical event. This city is so intertwined around the four majors that they're bigger than religion or politics in this region.

    Did you come from outside fo the delaware valley?

  17. Not only that, but a partisan political rally is not an historical event. Otherwise whenever Obama showed his face, it would be an historical event. That's a little silly.

    Obama's inauguration certainly would be such an event. However, I trust Chester Upland will not be closing down the schools January 20, if Obama wins.

    Watching the ceremony on TV and discussing its historical significance would certainly be an appropriate civics lesson for any school district, not just Chester's.

  18. SpencerBlog-
    Being at the live event is a VERY different experience than seeing it on TV. Obama's entire candidacy is historic (as will be his Presidency). Going to the rally to see politics as active participation is the best civics lesson those kids could get out of this.
    Of course, there are those that would rather see minorities uninspired and not participating in the election process. All the more reason for the kids to attend and learn to participate.

    Obama's victory will be proof to people that their voice matters and voting is an important way to demonstrate their will.

    The GOP model is that of Orwell's 1984 where the only threat is of the "proles" rising up, so they are kept uneducated, uninformed, and pacified.

  19. Gil/Steve - Your inability to understand the historical signifigance of Americas first black presidential candidates visit to Chester amazes me.
    As much as you love baseball, I think you sometimes forget that it's just a game! In the grand scheme of things, it's insignicant!
    On the other hand, Obamas rise to the top of the political heap is something that effects the entire world. It's the real thing. It's global. I grew up in Springfield. In 1964, I remember getting out of school - the entire school was let out - to watch the Barry Goldwater motorcade cruise down Woodland Ave. Not to hear a speach, just to watch a motorcade! And there was nothing wrong with that. It made me feel like I was a witness to history in the making. The same thing applies to the students in Chester. You know damn well that if the kids were given the day off to hear McCain speak at a rally, you would trumpeting the importance of letting the children hear a "Great American Hero" speak. Not only is Obamas visit to Chester historicaly important, it has the potential to inspire children who are less fortunate than those born in Springfield, or Rose Valley, or Newtown Square. What the hell are you guys thinking? This is the real thing! This is the role model and the inspiration that the black community needs, and you should be ashamed of yourselves for wanting to deprive them of that opportunity.

  20. Gil - you said "Obama's inauguration certainly would be such an event. However, I trust Chester Upland will not be closing down the schools January 20, if Obama wins" - What a weak argument. They won't close the schools because the inauguration won't be held in Chester.

    Steve - I was born and raised here. I just understand that baseball is a game, and a form of entertainment. Nothing more. And I understand that a presidential race is something of global importance.

  21. By Bob's logic everywhere Obama goes the schools should close down and children should be sent to see him and listen to his wisdom.

    No thanks.

    Bob, your worshipfulness is showing.

  22. "The GOP model is that of Orwell's 1984 where the only threat is of the "proles" rising up, so they are kept uneducated, uninformed, and pacified."

    Somebody should read their Orwell, he was the one who stood up to the socialist and liberal fascists of his time.

  23. This argument for attending Obama's campaign is more "hysterical" than historical. Today's kids see him less as a black man and more as a celebrity.
    Isn't the true hypocrisy revealed with the unrelenting race-baiting of his liberal white supporters?
    If Obama wins, I suspect the history books will regard his inevitable failed presidency as the triumph of form over substance.


  24. Somebody should read their Orwell, he was the one who stood up to the socialist and liberal fascists of his time.

    LOL! I was gonna say!... Clearly Orwell was warning of Modern Liberalism/ Commieism (same thing), despite DDD's lame attempt to spin it otherwise here. Lol...

    threat is of the "proles" rising up, so they are kept uneducated, uninformed, and pacified.

    This is EXACTLY what the Left does with blacks. Yep, despicable and quite racist.

  25. Gil - you said "Bob, your worshipfulness is showing" Sorry Gil. There are no gods. It's not worshipfulness. It's respect. Worshipfulness is when Randal types "but Gil, I'm just like you" Or when he refers to you as Mr. S. Maybe we should tke this step by step.
    Here are the questions:
    1. Do you believe the city of Chester is in bad shape?
    2. Do you believe black children born in Chester start out with the same advantages as white children in a place like Rose Valley?
    3. Do you believe the black community is in need of positive role models?
    4. Do you believe Obama is a positive role model?

  26. Isn't the true hypocrisy revealed with the unrelenting race-baiting BY his liberal white supporters?

    There, I fixed that. And yes.

  27. "Somebody should read their Orwell, he was the one who stood up to the socialist and liberal fascists of his time."

    SpencerBlog should re-read the postings to realize that I was comparing the GOP with Big Brother's regime and their activities to keep the proles down.

    I never indicated that Orwell favored such a policy, but rather he recognized this was the means used by oppressive governments.

    You and r seemed to have mastered "Double-speak". 1984 was the opposite of liberalism.

  28. Gil - Nice column on Sun. So it's on to the next campaign. Mal's campaign for a car! So here's some advice from Click and Clack, the hosts of NPR's Car Talk. Get her something oversized and under powered. Good luck old man. LOL
