
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Franks and Beans

Thomas Frank, last seen defending his "friend" unrepentant terrorist and radical William Ayers takes on Joe the Plumber and the Republican lie machine.

Money Q:

"This is not a good time for market-based authenticity, however. It now seems that those real, natural Americans who make markets go also cook the books, and cheat the shareholders, and hire lobbyists to get their way in Washington. They invent incomprehensible financial instruments and have now sent us into a crisis that none of them has any idea how to solve."

Would that be evil Republicans like Andrew "So Long, Suckers!" Lahde who made $80 million while calling his own investors "idiots?" But wait Andrew is a George Soros Democrat.

And how about Herb and Marion Sandler? They made $24 billion in the sub prime mortgage business, cleverly selling out to Wachovia before the crash. But wait, they're good progressive leftists too, donating millions to all manner of liberal causes and politicians. They were even the subject of a Saturday Night Live skit, scoffed at by the even-handed haters at SNL as "People Who Should Be Shot."

Frank makes no mention of the Democrats who headed up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who hired those horrible lobbyists to lobby their Democratic and Republican friends in Congress. He makes no mention of the millions Clintonistas Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick grabbed at Fannie and Freddie while employing the same cooked books accounting practices that landed Enron executives in jail.

So maybe it wasn't just evil Republicans who caused the sub prime mess. But in Frank's "reality-based" community it was.

He was a lot more convincing writing about Bill Ayers and what a wonderful human being he is.

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