
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Welcome To The Cuckoo's Nest

Conservative George Will once again makes mincemeat of non-conservative John McCain.

The financial crisis is killing the McCain campaign in part because McCain has no clear answer about what to do about it. Not that the Obama campaign does either.

McCain continues to try to raise doubts about Obama's character tying him to a fistful of shady Chicago characters from former-terrorist-turned-tenured-radical Bill Ayers to the America-hating Jeremiah Wright.

In short, Obama doesn't just have bad ideas, he's a bad person.

But he doesn't seem bad. He seems nice. He smiles. He seems to care about the middle-class and the poor. He has a nice, attractive family. While he votes liberal, very liberal, he seems moderate and quite reasonable.

Will recalls a line he has used before:

"In 1987, on the eve of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's third victory, the head of her Conservative Party told a visiting columnist: "Someday, Labour will win an election. Our job is to hold on until they are sane." Republicans, winners of seven of the last 10 presidential elections, had better hope they have held on long enough."

Britain's conservative party relented to Tony Blair, who was "sane."

Bill Clinton was also sane. He governed as a moderate and was helped to do so by the first Republican congress in decades.

If Obama wins, the country will be, for the first time in recent history, completely in the hands of the Democratic party.

That means, higher taxes, withdrawal from our interventions and commitments abroad, protectionism, and more government intrusion into and government control of the U.S. economy.

It's not just Republicans who had better hope the Democratic party becomes "sane" in the next three months. But it's not as if the Republican party hasn't been Cuckoo's Nest for the last 8 years.

Asked what grand government plans he will sacrifice in light America's economic crisis, Obama pretty much says "None."

Where's Nurse Ratched when you need her?

UPDATE: Roger Simon avers that when it comes to Obama we're living in a "media-constructed lunatic asylum."

Spencerblog says: It's medication time. And Obama's the soothing medication Democrats are dropping like acid.


  1. Eight years of Bush! That's sanity? A highly functioning Republican moron is running the country, and Will is concerned about the Democrats sanity? Billions (possibly trillions)to fight a war in Iraq for no good reason, the people who champion deregulation blaming the financial crisis on the Dems (read Gene Lyons in todays Times), McCains wife berating Obama because he voted against 1 piece of troop support legistation, when her own husband voted against one! The RNC introducing Sarah "Tina Fey" as "A moose hunter, a mother, a maverick", a presidential candidate who sings "Bomb Bomb Iran" in front of a packed house, Bush joking in public about his blunder by looking under his desk for WMD's while our soldiers are dying for his mistake, the VP shooting one of his buddies in the face, a blogger who calls himself "Pro Christ Pro Gun", and another who declares his patriotism by wishing to spit in the face of a mother who lost her son in Iraq.

    Welcome to the Cuckoo's Nest?
    Where have you been?

  2. Obama doesn't just have bad ideas, he's a bad person.

    So true.

    when it comes to Obama we're living in a "media-constructed lunatic asylum."

    So true too.

    Obama is worse even than GWB.

    And the despicable Sheehans deserve what they've gotten. They should take a lesson from the parents of our wardead who do not sully their dead sons' memories for personal gain.

  3. Oh, and extreme Liberal liar columnist Gene Lyin is about as dishonest as they come. Only those of feeble minds and a willingness to be mislead give anything that comes from his lying fingertips any credence whatsoever. His columns ooze with intellectual dishonesty and hurt feelings petty politics as he blames every problem ever known to man on Bush and Repubs and Cons. His offering today is a perfect example of his blatant dishonesty.
    Lyin is slanderous and dangerous and should be silenced. Slander and lies are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment.

  4. That wasn't me. Imitation can't match the original.

  5. Bob cracks me up...

    Let's point out all his "moronic" GOP statements and compare them to the Democrats to see if only one party commits them:

    1. Sure McCain joked about "bomb bomb bomb" Iran, but wasn't it Obama saying our soldiers are doing horrible things in Iraq in a serious tone? Mute point as they both said things they shouldn't have.

    2. Billions (possibly trillions) for the Iraqi war. Maybe Bob should check out the US govt's balance sheet. We've got around 10 trillion in social security debt. Iraq debt < social security debt. Again, mute point.

    3. The people who champion deregulation blaming the financial crisis on the Dems... Here's some factual background for you Bob: the crisis started with the CRA which goes back to Jimmy Carter. The deregulation you speak of deals with Phil Gramm in December 2000. Who was president then? Oh wait, Bill Clinton... The predatory lending was around prior to Bush. Bush did nothing about it other than propose regulation (see 5 years ago. I'm not saying Bush accomplished anything, but he did more than Clinton.

    Now watch this video: .

    Now Bob, how isn't the blame of what happened to Fannie and Freddie the responsibility of BOTH parties? You listen to yourself or Obama and it's all Bush's fault. The financial crisis we're in goes on the backs of both parties and is again a mute point.

    4. McCain's comments about Obama's troop voting are ridiculous. But so are Obama's ads saying McCain is "outdated" because he can't use a computer or that he can't be president because he's had skin cancer a few times. Even Biden said he would have put a stop to the ads regarding McCain's broken hands, arms, and fingers. That's saying a lot coming from a man who "meets the locals" at a restaurant that closed 20 years ago. Again, mute point.

    5. You talk about Cheyney shooting his friend in the face as if there's never been a mistake by any Democrat. Who actually killed a person? Oh that's right, Democratic Senator Kennedy. Again, mute point.

    6. Soldiers dying for Bush's mistake? I'll give you it's mainly his fault we haven't left recently, but the independent (if you can call it that as the GOP didn't get any insight into the editing process) report regarding Bush's comments to the American people were deemed accurate with the information given to him at the time. The fault lies within the intelligence agencies across the world (MI6 and Russia). If Bush would have said, "nah, those agencies are all idiots!" and did nothing and Saddam had WMDs, you'd be calling him an idiot for that. It's a no win situation for him with your bias (real change huh?). Again, mute point.

    7. You talk about the GOP bloggers here, but you forgot it was Dave who wanted R to have homosexual relations with another forum member in a bet. Again, mute point.

    8. You talk about Palin's intro, but what about Biden's? He sits at his "dining room table figuring out how to pay his bills" when he's in the top 5% of income earners (you know, the ones who need to be patriotic and pay MORE in taxes)? He sends all his kids to Archmere (went there himself) and received no financial add (for any Biden). How middle class is that? He re-wrote the bankruptcy laws (w/his son- who helped the credit card CO's) so that American's CAN lose their homes. How's that helping the low income families today? Again, mute point.

    I just tore apart every one of your arguments for why the past 8 years is a "Cuckoo's Nest" with examples of the same actions by the other party. So how aren't they both "Cukoo"? They are.

    It's time for American's to stop being biased and vote based on record, not political affiliation. And the same goes for our elected officials. With what you have posted here so far, we aren't going anywhere with your ideas any time soon.

  6. Jason - Thanks for the long winded post that said absolutely nothing.

    The gist of the Will column was that Republicans were the keepers af the asylum "In 1987, on the eve of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's third victory, the head of her Conservative Party told a visiting columnist: "Someday, Labour will win an election. Our job is to hold on until they are sane." Republicans, winners of seven of the last 10 presidential elections, had better hope they have held on long enough.

    1. I don't know the exact Obama statement you refer to, but some of our soldiers did do some horrible things in Iraq. I guess it bothers you when someone speaks the truth as opposed to McCains staged walk through the marketplace, that was exposed as a farce on 60 minutes.
    2. If we have 10 trillion in SS debt, does it make sense to piss away another 3 trillion for an unjust war? Wheres your logic? Wouldn't that 3 trillion have been better off spent at home?
    3. CRA was designed to prevent red lining. The majority of those loans were FDIC insured, and most are paid off. I agree with you that both parties are responsible. Bush did more than Clinton? OK. Then I'm sure he will be remembered as a much better president. So Jason, just how long have you been institutionalized?
    4. I never claimed that all Obama ads were 100%.
    5. I know we aren't supposed to talk about this, because it's taboo, but I would say McCain wins in the killing people contest. Oh wait! I'm sorry. The Vietnamese aren't people. How silly of me. The Iranians aren't people either. So Bomb Bomb away. Aparently this is funny stuff to McCain. Hey, it's easy when you are miles high and the people on the ground are just faceless targets.
    6. More BS. Bob Graham of Fla. was against the war. He saw the same intel as Bush. The administration knew it was suspect, so they cherry picked. You want to beleive they were convinced? P.T. Barnum had a saying about folks like you. BTW, I blame most of the Democrats too, for going along. They were afraid of looking unpatriotic.
    7. Not even worth addressing.
    8. Come on Jason - You can't even compare the two. The "moose hunter" line was a classic.

    You said- "I just tore apart every one of your arguments for why the past 8 years is a "Cuckoo's Nest" with examples of the same actions by the other party." Are you saying that the other parties actions makes the Republicans actions less insane? Again, wheres the logic? Do two wrongs make a right?

    Jason, I've read many of your posts. This was probably the weakest.

  7. Jason - # 6. Not quite sure what you meant by "I'll give you it's mainly his fault we haven't left recently," Whats that sentence all about? Makes no sense.

  8. Bob - it's "Jonas," not Jason. I'm pretty sure I know how to spell my name correctly; thanks.

    "Jason - # 6. Not quite sure what you meant by "I'll give you it's mainly his fault we haven't left recently," Whats that sentence all about? Makes no sense."

    Makes no sense? I'm talking about the Iraq war and President Bush. The "his" refers to Bush.

    Does that clarify things for you? Or do you need further discussion surrounding the main reason we are still in Iraq?

  9. Gil, help me with this one. Jonas wrote.... "I'll give you it's mainly his fault we haven't left recently," ...Am I missing something, or is there something strange about that sentence?

    Jonas, I addressed you as Jason. SORRY! I didn't realize you were so sensitive.

  10. Bob, who knows what jonas's real name is anyway?
