
Thursday, October 2, 2008

What Passes for Humor

Isn't Sandra Bernhard funny?


  1. Witness the quality of the Angry Left politic. That’s not very “change-y”.

    Bernhard’s disturbing words show the disgusting lengths that Obamites have stooped to to degrade Palin. The Left is all about hate and violence again those with whom they disagree. It shows how little class and intellect they really have.

    She is probably also just jealous that Palin is hot and she is hideous.

    Bernhard also eluded that Republicans McCain and Palin are “racist”.
    It isn’t enough for this hack to lose this one gig over what she said.
    For too long the Left has been getting away with making unsubstantiated charges of “racism” and they’re never held accountable for the racial suspicion and harm to race relations their baseless words cause.
    It should be against the law to yell “racist!” in a crowded country with nothing to back the claim. Bernhard and other Libs like her should be charged with ethnic intimidation.

  2. Disgusting and uncalled for. I recall McCain being called on the carpet for telling a joke about a woman being raped by an ape. His campaign spokesman didnt deny it. He just offered a lame apology and said we have to move on. McCain also told that horrible joke about Chelsea Clinton. This doesn't excuse Bernhard, it just shows us what McCain thinks should pass as acceptable humor.

  3. Oh stop, BB. The ‘well they did this’ one-upmanship is childish. There is no question whatsoever that the Angry Left is by far the most guilty of despicable hate speech particularly during this election season. Every other day some Liberal Hollywood kook or Obamite says something over-the-top offensive that reveal their level of hatred for their fellow Americans.

  4. It is so liberal to say, "well the other side did it to". Sandra bernhardt has brain damage. She is crude and digusting.

  5. Scott - Do you really believe the liberals have a monopoly on "well the other side did it"?
    It's one thing when a comedian tells crude and cruel jokes, but don't we expect more from our elected officials? Wouldn't you agree? What are your thoughts on McCain telling the rape joke and the Chelsea joke? By the way, we missed you at the Locust Crest. I was looking forward to meeting you. It was a pleasent evening.

  6. Scott - you said "It is so liberal to say, "well the other side did it to". - Well just tonight I watched Rachael Madow ask a McCain spokeswoman about Davis, and her answer was "well what about Raines?

  7. Bob-

    There are even elected libs who have attacked Palin visciously. Alcee hastings comes to mind.

    Sorry about the Locust, I had my kids and I took them to Flyers game and then we watched the phillies together. I will go next time.


  8. Scott - Name one elected official who has made a remark anywhere close to Bernhards. Come to think of it, I haven't heard any out of bounds attacks on Palin. I've heard criticism, but nothing vicious. On the other hand, I do recall hearing a vicious remark from Peggy Noonan saying Palins nomination was B*** S***. That's from your side buddy. So what are your thoughts on McCains attack joke about Chelsea Clinton? What does that say about his character? McCain was attacking the CHILD of another politician. You have daughters. How would you feel about an adult telling a joke like that about one of your daughters?

    As for the Locust Crest, I was a single parent too, so I understand completely. The kids come first. Next time maybe we could all get together and see the new Bill Maher movie.

  9. Bob-

    Did mcCain say some thing too the effect that the Clintons were pimping their daughter. Alcee Hastings tore into Palin and said she would not be good to jews or blacks. Their was another congresswoman who was out repeating the Pontius Pilate comment. The libs have no shame.


  10. bob
    i think scott would rather go with you to see a film with men and dinosaurs living at the same time. besides, in the clip where bill maher is talking to "jesus" look-alike, the jesus is not wearing a gun.

  11. The Willies were pimping their daughter. The Willies just tried to make Chelsea off limits as they had protected her when she was younger. But she’s all grown up now and decided on her own to play the politics game. And anyone who inserts themselves into the political theater is fair game.

  12. Scott - I don't recall Hastings saying Palin was pimping her daugher, and I dont think what Hastings said was any more vicious than what Peggy Noonan said. Hastings did apologize. So thats the only one you can come up with? If so, then your claim was exagerated. But McCain is running for president. You never did answer my queation. McCain was a grown man. A senior citizen when he told the joke about Clintons daughter being ugly. What does that tell you about his character?

  13. Scott - I don't recall Hastings saying Palin was pimping her daugher, and I dont think what Hastings said was any more vicious than what Peggy Noonan said. Hastings did apologize. So if thats the only one you can come up with,your claim was exagerated. But McCain is running for president. You never did answer my queation. McCain was a grown man. A senior citizen when he told the joke about Clintons daughter being ugly. What does that tell you about his character?
