
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's The Matter with Thomas?

Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers is a wonderful human being. Those who criticize him and Barack Obama for associating with him (until recently) are the "vilest" sort.

So says, Thomas Frank, author of "What's The Matter With Kansas," liberal and tribune of the poor.

Question: If Ayers is such a wonderful, terrific person, why doesn't Obama admit the extent of their past relationship, defend the man, and admit he shares his politics? Probably because it would lose him votes, right? So much for character.

Next up for Frank: Mumia Abu Jamal likes puppies and has really cool hair.

UPDATE: More here from Beldar on Frank, Ayers and Obama. As in, No, Ayers oughtn't be an honorary Eagle Scout. Scouts give no merit badges for bomb-building, killing judges and their families, indoctrinating school children instead of teaching them to read, embracing Anti-American dictators and funneling tens of millions of charitable dollars to radical, left-wing re-education groups.

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