Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Corporate Jet Outrage

Former Baseball Commissioner Fay Vincent doesn't defend the use of corporate jets so much as he mocks the hypocrisy and jealously of those politicians and others who foment outrage over them.

We learn that billionaire Warren Buffett named his private jet "The Indefensible." Clever that. Just who does he have to defend himself on how he chooses to spend his own money? This is the same guy who argues for higher taxes for the wealthy but shields his own dough from those taxes.

I remember seeing Bill Gates sitting in the Seattle airport some years back waiting for the same plane I was.

What I remember thinking was this: If I were a billionaire I'd have my own jet. What an idiot!

Of course, this was before the whole global warming craze.

Gates, has smartened up since then and gotten his own. His carbon footprint be damned.

MORE: At least the auto executives are being shamed into getting rid of a few of their corporate rides. They have nothing to do with improving the fiscal health of the U.S. car industry, but won't that make you feel better about the Democrats giving them billions in taxpayer green?


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