Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Maltese Admiral

It just came to me...

For years I've been trying to figure out who Joe Sestak reminds me of when it comes to his breathy public speaking style and now I know...

Peter Lorre, without the accent.

Check this out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you’re saying about Rep Joe’s odd speaking manner. I mentioned it in my debate recap, how it seems forced and fake. But I’m not getting the comparison to Lorre.

November 6, 2008 at 12:07 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am forced to agree with "r" (gag). Lorre and Sestak are both creepy, but in completely different ways.

Sestak is much more like a bad actor trying to play his idea of a politician and constantly emphasizing and lowering his voice at all the wrong places because he is politically tone deaf.

November 7, 2008 at 10:14 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am forced to agree with "r" (gag).

Lol! Right back attcha!

Lorre and Sestak are both creepy, but in completely different ways.

Sestak is much more like a bad actor trying to play his idea of a politician and constantly emphasizing and lowering his voice at all the wrong places because he is politically tone deaf.

This may just be the very first good observation you’ve ever made here, DDD. So we have arrived at the same place, although taking very different paths. See, while I came to my view via thoughtful objectivity and critical observation, you on the other hand just hate Rep Joe because he failed to do your bidding once he was elected, and as such you will take any petty cheap shot at him your can come up with. Mine is insightful; yours is once again based in hurt feelings and disloyalty. Mine valid; yours childish. Same old, same old…

I offered my criticism after the first time I had the chance to see him speak in person. While you no doubt have seen him speak a number of times, like when you were campaigning for him, but your criticism of his speech pattern only came after you had your falling out with him.

November 10, 2008 at 11:38 AM 

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