
Monday, November 3, 2008

Sihk and You Shall Find

We were driving to New York City Saturday morning to celebrate a couple of birthdays when we saw something interesting.

In front of us on the New Jersey turnpike around exit 11 was a late-model van. On the back were two, large "Craig Williams for Congress" magnets.

What was interesting is when we passed the van I looked over and saw the male driver and his male passenger where Sikhs. They had the turbans, black beards, the robes, the whole deal.

Looks like Williams' supporters are a pretty diverse crowd.

I just called Williams' campaign guy Pete Peterson and told him the story. I asked him if they had anything to do with the campaign but he said no.

He theorized that they could be from Upper Darby, which has a pretty large Sikh population and some of them have a few turnpike concessions. He suggested the guys I saw may have been checking on their businesses Saturday morning.

Hard working guys those Sikhs. Small business guys. No wonder they're supporting the Republican candidate in their district.


  1. Is there any polling for Sestak/Williams? I'd be interested to see where their race is going. I previously thought it would be an easy win for Sestak but I'm having doubts.

  2. Ok, so the nice Sikhs have endorsed McCain while the radical Islamic Muslim terrorists have all endorsed Obama.
    Seems about fair.

  3. sestak will win on his own name recognition and obama's gotv coattails.

  4. spencerblog
    after the election you can climb out of the williams tank and dry yourself off

  5. Who else went to see Craig Williams and Rudy Giuliani speak in Drexel Hill this morning?
    It was very informal. We got to get close and mingle with the speakers. I might be on TV.
    Rudy’s cool. It’s a shame his campaign was run by idiots or he’d be our guy now.

    Hey, how come no thread about the McCain Rally in Wallingford yesterday?
