
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Snide White Pride in Bide(n)

Can white people take racial pride in Joe Biden becoming Vice President of the United States? According to Dave Konig, Yes We Can!


  1. White people can take racial pride in the fact that we exclusively have owned those offices for so long.
    And it took a bunch of concerted lying underhandedness in order to insert the “first black” unqualified Affirmative Action President –hardly a shining moment for the bitter black racial scorekeeping crowd. But I guess they gotta take em however they can get em. Lol...

  2. David Alan Grier's new "Chocolate News" show had a post election skit with the KKK holding Pro-Obama signs with "Yes We Klan".

    The premise was that the Klan was using Obama's election as a recruiting tool.

    In the real-world, Obama won in KKK stronghold of North Carolina.

  3. "White people can take racial pride in the fact that we exclusively have owned those offices for so long."

    Pride in slavery? Pride in segregation? Pride in Jim Crow laws?

    I'm proud that you and your kind were rejected this election.

  4. And we already know who the NAACP, Black Panthers and 98% of all others blacks blindly voted for and why.
