
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The State of the Continent

The WSJ sticks up for Sarah Palin and wonders if, after the actions of some of his campaign operatives, John McCain will too.

Question: Which is worse, a Vice Presidential candidate allegedly not knowing Africa is a continent or a Presidential candidate not knowing how many states there are in this union of ours. (Barack Obama said 57.)

Answer: Neither. Assume both are misspoken trivialities and move on. Palin back to the governor's mansion. Obama to the White House.

UPDATE: By the way, there are many indications that the "Palin Doesn't Know Africa is a Continent" story is a hoax.


  1. Obama was making a joke about how long the campaign seems, while also acknowledging that Guam and Puerto Rico were involved in the primary, like states.

    UPDATE: Sorry, still not a hoax. A known hoaxer tried to take credit for the story, but Carl Cameron who broke the story on FOX said that guy wasn't the source and Carl still stands by his reporting. Nice try. Palin is still not smarter than a 5th grader.

    McCain picked his staff and picked Palin without properly vetting her. He touted her as the foremost expert on energy in the country. He had a hole, and just kept digging.

    If he's a real honest patriot, he would admit to Leno that she was completely unqualified and should never sit in the Oval Office. Fortunately, he will put country first, and and lie, and praise her as the future of the GOP (and drive a wooden stake in their rotting carcass).

    Paul Begala said that over 60% of Republicans want Palin as their candidate "and 100% of Democrats". :-)

  2. Question: Which is worse, a Vice Presidential candidate allegedly not knowing Africa is a continent or a Presidential candidate not knowing how many states there are in this union of ours. (Barack Obama said 57.)

    Obama's gaffe was worse since he was trying to become the leader of these 57 States of America.

    Yep, the Lying Liberal Media really went below and beyond during this election. They're still piling-on about Palin's clothes but never onec asked who paid for Obama's $2000 suits. ...nor did they press him on his alarming radical associations. Just so long as a black man becomes president...

  3. It wasn't a gaffe. It was a joke.

    BTW, did you contribute to McCain and the RNC for Todd Palin's silk boxers and other 'expenses'?

  4. got to wonder if palin was so loved and respected by her staff, why would they out her on her ignorance?

    sounds like the staff got forced into working with her (palin admitted that she didn't pick any of these people and they just showed up from the mccain campaign). they realized that she didn't have the goods and they were going to wind up getting blamed for palin's lack of basic knowledge and mccain's poor judgment.

    so, what did they do? they told foxnews shill "campaign-carl" cameron about it WEEKS before the election. like a dutiful gop worker bee, he sat on the story until after the election. meanwhile night after night, he and his network questioned obama's credentials.

    since fox knew about it weeks BEFORE, it's not sour grapes and blame game AFTER the election. the palin staffers leaked the story to fox to establish the timeframe win or lose to cover their butts.

  5. "The WSJ sticks up for Sarah Palin"

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make her the GOP 2012 pick.
