
Friday, November 14, 2008

Throwing a Bomb to Obama

Peggy Noonan says:

"A week and a half after the election, the idea has settled in that America just threw long. People hadn't heard of Mr. Obama two years ago, they know they don't really know him now, and they just gave him the presidency. America threw long, and America is praying for a dazzling reception. People want him to catch the ball."

Read the whole thing.

You'd have to be a pretty big idiot to want Obama to fail especially in times like these. Of course, there were more than a few pretty big idiots on the left rooting for George Bush to fail at every turn in his president. They even claims some of his successes (the surge, for one) failures.

What America needs right now is stability so that our markets can recover and consumer confidence returns.

But if Obama adopts the extreme policy positions of the left, of long-term government intrusion into the markets, high taxes, protectionism, more welfare and greater than needed regulation, he will fail. And it will be his own fault. And America's loss.

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