Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Sensible Energy Policy

Newt Gingrich outlines a sensible energy policy in Newsweek.

Money Q:
What America needs is a rational energy policy that utilizes all our homegrown energy resources while protecting the environment. For instance, in addition to opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve and the shale-oil deposits in Colorado and Utah for drilling, we should change our federal law to give all states with offshore oil and gas the same share of federal royalties that other states get for land-based resources. Revenue generated from these royalties could help many cash-strapped states address their budget problems, in addition to funding alternative- and renewable-energy research. In addition, we should allow companies to write off 100 percent of their expenses in the first year if their refineries considerably expand America's oil-refining capacity.

Plus more nuke plants.

Fat chance for any of this with the Dems in power.

In the meantime, Obama's energy proposal by the administration's own admission would raise energy costs on the average American $1,300 a year.



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