Monday, April 27, 2009

Torture: Safe, Legal and Rare II

James Taranto compares and contrasts enhanced interrogations with partial-birth abortions. (You have to scroll down to find it.)

First, he notes how the New York Times decided to call the interrogation techniques "brutal" but in describing partial birth abortion, the Times offers no such judgement. Instead the paper states that opponents of abortion call the partial-birth procedure "brutal and uncivilized." Not the Times though.

Taranto also cites a recent poll that shows most American believe that "torture" is sometimes justified if it is used to prevent an imminent terror attack.

Taranto cleverly writes:
There is a sensible middle position here, one that is neither pro-torture nor pro-terrorism: Let's keep enhanced interrogation safe, legal and rare.

Spencerblog said something very similar more than a year ago.


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